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wolf wallpaper

wolf wallpaper. Wolf Wallpapers
  • Wolf Wallpapers

  • JohnHummel
    Jul 20, 10:17 AM
    There are more details here - http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060719/sfw089.html?.v=60

    At the end of the page is a breakdown in the sales figures.

    Desktop sales are down 14% on last quarter, and 23% on a year ago, but laptop sales are up a whopping 60% on last quarter and 61% on a year ago.

    Not surprising - until they announce the Intel Powermacs, I think that desktop sales will continue to decline. But once they get those new Powermacs out, I think new users - including gamer types - will start picking up. You'd be surprise how many times I've heard that the Macbook Pro is quite the gaming machine.

    wolf wallpaper. Black wolf wallpaper
  • Black wolf wallpaper

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 07:52 PM
    Oops. Fixed that. Should be 210 km/h.

    Thanks for the link btw takao.

    wolf wallpaper. Beautiful white wolf wallpaper
  • Beautiful white wolf wallpaper

  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 10:40 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?Needs to be $499 for the base. I agree with you. BUT, did anyone notice they have a DDR333 ram description when it is really PC 5300 running @ 667MHz? What a screwup. :eek:

    Omni via Ramseeker.com (http://Ramseeker.com) has a pair of 1GB sticks for $174 instead of Apple's $225. Save $50 and have something to sell on eBay. - two 256 sticks. Wonder if anyone is buying those? Seems like so small.

    wolf wallpaper. Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper
  • Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper

  • timbloom
    Mar 24, 01:14 PM
    This would be great, but we all know Apple and the likelihood of this happening is beyond slim. I would think it would be more likely that Apple would just offer a wider range of CTO GPU options in their machines.

    wolf wallpaper. Tags: sky wolf wallpaper.
  • Tags: sky wolf wallpaper.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:00 AM
    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy.

    You do realize that you are full of crap? There is acautlly quite a bit work being done in order to unify various areas of Linux.

    It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other)

    Again: you do realize that you are full of crap? There are handful of distributions that matter, rest are more or lesss niche. The ones that matter are (IMO): Fedora/Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and Gentoo. Of those, Ubuntu and Debian are quite compatible with each other.

    9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Maybe they realized that "one size does NOT fit all"? Why should there be just WM, just one editor, just one browser, just one email-client etc. etc.?

    Yes, Linux has several options to choose from. And is that a bad thing? Is it a good thing to cram some specific thing down users throatts without gicing them the option to choose? It has two primary GUI's (with several smaller ones floating around as well): GNOME and KDE. And while they are both GUI's, they are both sufficiently different that they do not overlap as much. They have different architecture behind them, different design-goals, different ideology... And they cater to different types of users. I have used both, and I can appreciate the strengths of either of them.

    wolf wallpaper. Wallpaper Black Wolf
  • Wallpaper Black Wolf

  • GregA
    Dec 31, 10:53 PM
    On Demand. This category amongst cable companies are expanding very rapidly and offering free content left and right. Good example is HBO, nearly *ALL* of their shows are On Demand now which is instant access to all of their shows. Generally speaking (for people who use HBO On Demand), this has been extremely popular, maybe this is why HBO is still not being sold on iTunes? Why download when you have access to nearly all of the HBO content for free and instantaneous?
    That's interesting. Apple doesn't have a subscription model - so this kind of service isn't on iTunes.

    But it is something iTunes/iTV would be able to easily do (technically). I could subscribe to HBO On Demand for $10/mth (or whatever) without paying for a full cable service.

    I guess the problem with a subscription model is, for now, the cost of bandwidth to Apple. A bittorrent-like sharing system might solve that.

    wolf wallpaper. Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper
  • Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper

  • archer75
    May 3, 04:37 PM
    Well, you got what you wanted on the 2GB 6970m! At least as a BTO option.

    Yep, I am pleasantly surprised. I ordered one.

    wolf wallpaper. 35 Wolves HQ Wallpaper Pack
  • 35 Wolves HQ Wallpaper Pack

  • CyberB0b
    Sep 7, 08:15 AM
    Am I the only one that doesn't care what they sell? As long as they make some neat hardware to play with that I can use to stream my own stuff...

    wolf wallpaper. view full size Wallpaper
  • view full size Wallpaper

  • Delicious-Apple
    Dec 3, 04:48 AM
    The iPod will gain a wireless dock (or wireless functionality integrated) so it can communicate with the other components such as iTV and wireless speaker systems that Apple are supposedly experimenting with.

    wolf wallpaper. Wolf iPhone Wallpaper
  • Wolf iPhone Wallpaper

  • Nameci
    Feb 20, 08:09 PM
    Current setup... my sig.


    wolf wallpaper. Timber Wolf Wallpaper, Wolves
  • Timber Wolf Wallpaper, Wolves

  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 10, 02:17 PM
    I've only owned cars with a stick shift. It's sad to see that more and more models are now available in automatic only.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    wolf wallpaper. Full Moon and Wolf with Black
  • Full Moon and Wolf with Black

  • Jbook
    Jul 13, 11:39 PM
    Maybe if there was more media available in blue-ray format, I would be more excited. Anyways, blue-ray player or not, the Mac Pro is gonna be a beast.

    wolf wallpaper. Winter Wolf - Wolves Wallpaper
  • Winter Wolf - Wolves Wallpaper

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 12:44 PM
    For me, the antenna issue was WORSE than people had reported.

    I don't see how. I saw it being reported on the national evening newscasts and on the front pages of newspapers. How much more reporting could there possibly have been?

    wolf wallpaper. 11 Scott Wolf wallpaper.jpg
  • 11 Scott Wolf wallpaper.jpg

  • jeanlain
    Apr 6, 05:51 PM
    I can't even edit an audio clip in quicklime (10.1). This looks like a regression because Quicktime X allows trimming in 10.6.

    EDIT: scratch that, I wasn't looking in the right menu. It works fine.

    wolf wallpaper. Glowing Wolf - wallpaper by
  • Glowing Wolf - wallpaper by

  • ~Shard~
    Nov 15, 08:51 AM
    This is very cool, however I think the article says it all:

    "unless you do work normally relegated to high-end workstations, perform massively multitasking workloads, or just want the bragging rights, eight cores is definitely overkill...at least for now."

    Of course at some point 8-cores will be the standard and will be slow compared to the 32-core systems, but until that happens, I think quad-core would suit me just fine. Hell, I'm getting by with a single core G4 right now with no complaints, so this isn't a big deal for me in the grand scheme of things! ;) :cool:

    wolf wallpaper. Beautiful Wolf Wallpapers and
  • Beautiful Wolf Wallpapers and

  • cderalow
    Jan 21, 08:10 PM
    traded our CR-V in on Sunday, bought a 2011 Honda Odyssey EX-L


    wolf wallpaper. Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper
  • Movie: Cry Wolf wallpaper

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:58 PM
    But why would Apple not do it my way by default??? Google did. Smart and logical of them.

    It might very well be an option by the time it is released in the summer. Like they say it is only a preview and so much is in flux.

    wolf wallpaper. Animal - Wolf Wallpaper
  • Animal - Wolf Wallpaper

  • danbirchall
    Jan 12, 07:09 AM
    Aluminum is much harder to recycle than plastic

    Say what? It may have a higher melting point than plastic, but it's the most recyclable material out there. Plastic often can't even be used in the same application multiple times, and ends up being "downcycled" into something completely different. Wikipedia says recycling aluminum is 95% more efficient than making it from ore; recycling plastic is only 70% more efficient than making it new.

    wolf wallpaper. Spice and Wolf Wallpaper
  • Spice and Wolf Wallpaper

  • utgerger
    Jan 12, 05:09 PM
    Not Found

    The requested URL /showpost...1&postcount=94 was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    You told us so? ;)

    I'm sorry, I didn't realize the links were broken..

    Check now.. :)

    Apr 27, 01:20 AM
    ...Thats the exact same thing going on here with App store. Companies trademark "generic" terms all the time. Most trademarks ARE generic. But once it becomes used to associate a brand or product, its no longer generic.

    I think that's the point MS was making with it's objection, citing that Eastern Airlines had tried to trademark "Shuttle", and even though people associated Shuttle with Eastern, because the word was used so often, "shuttle" had (or became?) a "de-facto secondary" meaning. The courts ruled against Eastern and all the other airlines (New York airlines shuttle, Delta shuttle, etc) were allowed to use the word. MS then pointed out a list of examples of how 'app store' is used and has now attained a "de-facto secondary' meaning too. (I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just pointing out the Microsoft's case)

    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    Nov 28, 02:35 PM
    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

    Sorry to have to say this, but the Playstation and PS2 (early years) were a great success.

    The PS3 was late, but it is still too early ( like the Zune) to discount it as a good device or threat.

    Mar 23, 02:10 AM
    I love my classic. Nice to be able to take every song I own on a long road trip or use it as part of a home stereo.

    Sep 6, 12:12 PM
    Look, they discontinued the $50 BTO superdrive option on the lower end model. Are they purposely trying to drive me to Velocity Micro?