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  • NT1440
    Mar 19, 11:47 AM
    Thinking ahead, what happens when the power vacuum is in place?

    Get ready for the same old story, yet again, just in Libya this time.

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  • eautiful quotes on life wallpapers. inspirational quotes on life; inspirational quotes on life. ezekielrage_99. Aug 30, 07:42 AM

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 12, 09:07 PM
    Change that is an actual improvement is great. Change for the sake of change is not. On the consumer side things can almost never be made too simple or easy. On the manufacturing side, the creating side the professional side there are many times complex problems to solve and those problems require more complicated tools.


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  • Gregg2
    Apr 11, 12:31 PM
    CVTs have nothing to do with "tiptronic" or "paddle" shifters. CVTs are just a new breed of automatics. Semi-automatics can be had in many flavors, including both the traditional automatic and the CVTs.

    I'd be interested in a more complete explanation. CVT is what the particular manufacturer I'm considering calls their transmission. And, yes, you can get paddle shifters if you want.

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  • Z-Bro
    Mar 23, 03:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I lost my 160gb and I've been waiting for a classic update to buy. There's no chance I'll buy until it updates with a 220 drive so I can put all my videos and music. Let's go Apple!!

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  • SplinterCell
    Nov 28, 01:18 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    It may not be true that they broke even, it's just something I thought I heard on a tv interview...

    Sony is selling the PS3 at a loss as well, Nintendo I'm sure is making money on the Wii...

    There was also a lot of buzz for the 360 a launch & after, MS has sold over 15 million XBOX 360's in the last year, so I think they have done pretty well....

    I don't think Sony has the best plan, if they did they would have launched earlier, had more units at launch & not be so overpriced...

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  • Pillar
    Nov 26, 11:36 PM
    used my $5 off coupon on this

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  • Greebazoid
    Aug 25, 09:05 AM
    I havent yet found a situation where the 1.66 Yonah in my mini is the problem. granted, I dont use photoshop and I have the full whack of 2GB RAM - my beef with the mini is when I boot into 'doze and wanna play games - that GMA950 just cant cut the mustard.

    So what would make me rush out and buy a new mini (and put this one under the TV) would be a faster graphics processor.

    Cant see that happening any time soon tho.

    and whats with all the Prius cars? sheeeeshh.


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  • Multimedia
    Nov 23, 10:32 AM
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I thought the Mac mini would be Core 2 Duo by now for sure. I guess they still have quite a backlog of Core Duo units not yet sold. Maybe they're getting killer discounts from Intel on those old slow Core Duo processors.

    Seems like the supply of the faster Clovertowns is probably weak enough for Apple to wait until January at least. My own thought now is that if we have to wait for January, might as well wait a little longer for the Stoakley-Seaburg (SS) chips (http://techreport.com/etc/2006q4/clovertown/index.x?pg=1) to ship so the first 8-core Mac Pro can be a really killer machine. Then there's also the issue of Leopard shipping about the same time the full on 8-core with SS setup will be really ready in quantity so Apple can keep up with demand.

    So I've set my brain on March '07 now so I won't have another prematurely earger anticipation attack before then. That way if it happens sooner I'll be pleasantly surprised but still may wait for it to ship with Leopard. I will also feel a lot better spending $4k+ on an 8-core with SS inside as well. I'm thinking that may be Apple's plan too. Seems like they would not want to release their first 8-core MP crippled with bottlenecks they know will be opened up in only a few more months. It's also gonna be the most expensive Mac ever sold and I'm sure they want to give their customers their money's worth while at the same time giving their competition headaches. ;) The fact that it is in HD? I suppose so. The concert itself groundbreaking? Well, hopefully that's not what you meant or else you've obviously never seen a show across the pond... :p ;) :cool:Yeah I was referring to the fact that it's in HD and some of the best music concert editing I have ever seen. Just amazing Emmy Award worthy editing.

    The last concert I saw across the pond was a YES concert in Genoa Italy in summer of 1972. :D

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  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 03:53 PM
    ATI has years developing graphics. Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge.Intel has had years developing graphics as well. That statement by itself really doesn't say anything.

    Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge? Your whole argument is based on how Llano is supposedly going to be faster than Sandy Bridge. You have yet to state any OpenCL applications that you are using or plan on using in the future yet suddenly you need it NOW because you saw some AMD propaganda video on their YouTube channel. The fact of the matter is, Llano has a VERY slim chance of coming to Macs so it's high time you get over that video and just enjoy Sandy Bridge if you are only buying computers from Apple. If you really needed that extra power then you wouldn't be buying a machine with only an IGP to begin with.


    Like running the new FF 4 (which appears to trigger the dGPU now for no apparent reason). Or when Safari needs to update its thumbnails and the dGPU kicks on.


    Hopefully Apple will improve the switchover to make it more frugal.
    Yeah, that's why I said generally, lol.

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  • zync
    Aug 6, 10:41 PM
    100,00 users!
    Yikes! I wonder how many this year....
    I bet it's 500,000+

    Arn has a LOT of bandwidth.
    I bet he could walk thorough his internet connection without bumping his head.
    March a whole army thorough there. Three abreast.

    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*
    *goose step*

    I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but it's because he has a team of messengers on horses that are able to run through the tubes :D

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  • X2468
    Mar 22, 11:14 PM
    I have a classic and an iPhone....
    I use both and always will
    I'm with you. My classic is so handy and useful. I have it loaded with music, videos, data, podcasts, it's just a terrific all around device. If they increase the capacity, I'll buy a new one upon release. Classic is the perfect name for this valuable device.

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  • celebrian23
    Jul 18, 03:45 PM
    I've watched every movie I own at least 15x, and most of them many more than that. I for one won't rent from itunes, I'd rather not is all. If they make money off of it, more power to them

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  • Horrortaxi
    Mar 20, 08:32 AM
    a hell of alot more people buy IBMs here eg: Toshiba, Hitachi and Sony.

    I don't want to sound excessively picky, but only IBM makes IBM computers. Toshiba makes Toshiba computers and Sony makes Sony computers.

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  • aznguyen316
    Sep 12, 08:39 PM
    I got Night Sky (very dark blue).

    do you have a picture? I assumed it would be dark blue but the pictures look like violet.

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  • BenRoethig
    Aug 29, 09:08 AM
    This is the lowest end machine Apple makes. Let's be realistic. This is a reasonable update for the base model. And it's probably being done in advance of a Core 2 Duo update to the iMac.

    Yonah doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount. Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready". The Mac Mini is going to use the 5000 series Meroms and the iMac is going to use the 7000s.

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  • Mexbearpig
    Nov 25, 06:40 PM
    Yeah, I know, They are very expensive sunglasses that I don't feel comfortable just "tossing into a gym bag or suitcase."

    To be honest, I thought it was very cool. I have always loved the look of those cases but I always had the impression that they were expensive but after a look they aren't too much. Maybe I'll buy one but I'd have to put something that is expensive that is that small. And most of my things are large.

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  • chrismacguy
    Feb 27, 08:32 PM
    hahaha, a true collector collects what is obsoleat for the simply fact of owning it. if i had more mony my room would be a mac musum :D

    Trust me, when you hit 10 or so, you begin to start creating innovative methods of Mac Storage... (Yes, I have 15 of them, and yes, I am not done...) before you start collecting I recommend buying either a lot of shelves, or a lot of storage units...

    beautiful quotes on life wallpapers. eautiful quotes on life wallpapers. quotes on life wallpapers,; quotes on life wallpapers,. slffl. Oct 7, 12:05 PM. To quote the bit on Jimmy Fallon.
  • eautiful quotes on life wallpapers. quotes on life wallpapers,; quotes on life wallpapers,. slffl. Oct 7, 12:05 PM. To quote the bit on Jimmy Fallon.

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 6, 09:20 PM
    Blah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"

    ehhhhh? :confused:

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  • notjustjay
    Apr 21, 12:19 PM
    Viruses collecting data on iOS?

    ... :confused:

    It doesn't exist now, but that's not to say it might never happen in the future.

    Sep 27, 11:01 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/09/14/consumer-reports-holds-strong-on-iphone-4-non-recommendation/)


    Influential ratings magazine Consumer Reports generated waves earlier this year by deciding that it couldn't recommend (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/12/consumer-reports-cant-recommend-iphone-4-due-to-signal-issues/) the iPhone 4 to potential customers due to its antenna issues, despite the fact that the device garnered the top score (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/12/aside-from-signal-issue-consumer-reports-rates-iphone-4-highest-amongst-all-smartphones/) in the magazine's ratings of smartphones. With Apple's offer of free cases made at its July press conference about the issue, the magazine maintained its non-recommendation (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/07/16/consumer-reports-still-not-recommending-iphone-4/), claiming that the temporary program was insufficient in addressing the problem.

    Now that Apple has officially announced that it will be ending the free case program (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/09/10/apples-free-iphone-4-case-program-to-end-september-30th/) as of September 30th, Consumer Reports has once again noted its displeasure with Apple's treatment of the issue and declined to add the device to its list of recommended models.Apple has indicated that any customers experiencing reception issues on their iPhone 4s should contact AppleCare to obtain free cases, opting to end the blanket program in favor of an on-request policy to address what the company believes is a very small number of customers affected by the issue.

    Article Link: 'Consumer Reports' Holds Strong on iPhone 4 Non-Recommendation (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/09/14/consumer-reports-holds-strong-on-iphone-4-non-recommendation/)

    I got the iphone 4 and it is out of this world!!!!!!

    Apr 3, 12:57 PM
    Best ad since the Think Different campaign!

    Jun 24, 12:36 PM
    I dont estimate OS XI or 11 in the next few years.

    If the iOS is integratet like a second workspace in linux, then I think its good opton, but if its integreated as fast boot system for accesing mail and internet its rubbish (get a iPod touch, if you need iOS for accesing mail and internet).

    Mar 26, 10:57 PM
    It looks very cool and I'm impressed by the 1080p video. I didn't think there was enough video memory to do that.

    The iPad + HDMI adapter looks a little awkward though. I think a cooler solution would be to have bluetooth controller support, like PS3 controllers or maybe even use the iPhone for the controller via bluetooth.

    Either way, it's impressive. Not quite Xbox 360/PS3 but definitely better than the Wii.

    Mar 1, 10:03 PM
    Yep all of them are hard drives, i have 2TB in each one and then a RAID-0 with 2x2TB.

    How are they connected? I've never bothered with external drives. NAS is where it's at. ;) I don't even like to think about trying to transfer terabytes of data over usb. Plus being able to use the storage from multiple machines without having to plug/unplug.
    Just rebuilt mine with 3x2tb in raidz.