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amistad y amor

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  • balamw
    Sep 6, 06:27 PM
    Personally, I wouldn't want to DL a large movie file without the option of being able to burn it to DVD so I can have that tangible hard copy that makes me feel safe and warm. Then I wouldn't have a problem deleting it off of my hard drive.
    What's stopping you from doing that now?

    I know I have all of my iTMS video backed up to data DVDs...

    I know I won't be spending $10-$15 for anything less than DVD quality though, so I hope there's either a rental model or at least 480p.


    amistad y amor. mensajes de amistad y amor.
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  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 06:01 PM
    Positioning of apps without click and hold WORKS.

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. amor o amistad
  • amistad y amor. amor o amistad

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 2, 06:25 PM
    the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better

    I started a thread about the new Passat and Jetta a little while back. Basically, the new Jetta is bigger, costs less, and uses cheaper materials. People expecting Golf-like levels of refinement and build quality will be disappointed.

    amistad y amor. mensajes de amistad y amor.
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  • ScubaDuc
    Aug 27, 04:50 PM
    A better question is: when does the LCD OR the computer die, especially in the case of Macs? I would say never...

    Sorry to disappoint you but even Apple screens do die....My Apple LCD did about a month before Applecare expired. They lost it and I had to wait 7 weeks for a replacement. Mind u, it did die so beautifully...a few flickers and then there was peace :rolleyes:

    amistad y amor. de amor y amistad.
  • de amor y amistad.

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 22, 06:43 PM
    We'll just see what happens. I bought the 160 not too long ago so i won't be upgrading but it's good to know it's still around. 4571 songs of uncompressed audio and counting. gotta love the classics.

    Uncompressed. That IS the key. Friends don't let friends buy compressed faux music. And play your uncompressed music with your tube amps and AR 3a speakers. Howz that for classic?

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. de amor y
  • amistad y amor. de amor y

  • Reverend Wally
    Oct 23, 10:56 AM
    As I have said before....

    "round and 'round and 'round she goes.....
    Where she stops....nobody knows


    amistad y amor. frases de amor y amistad.
  • frases de amor y amistad.

  • bartelby
    Nov 28, 01:44 PM
    Thats awesome.....They attempted to give me a ticket for doing about 100mph in a residential zone a few years ago...was actually doing it too.. When they tried to speak to me I pretended to not know english( handed him a PA license) I kept speaking to him in pig latin and pretending I didn't understand...meanwhile he was ready haul us off to the Klink...LOL He eventually got so pissed off he got in his cruiser and left. What I didn't know was they filed a complaint with the rental car agency and we where banned from renting from them again...oooohhhh whoptie do da:D:D:D The things a bottle of good tequila will make you do.

    You almost sound proud of this!

    amistad y amor. fotos de amistad y amor
  • fotos de amistad y amor

  • Giaguara
    Apr 15, 10:40 AM
    If I was stupid - I wouldn't speak two languages
    If I was an ignorant person - I would have stayed in my home country and not learn about the ways of the world...I believe that you have spent too much time in front of you mac.
    If I was a vain pretender to knowledge - Do you know who Ernest Satow was ? Do you know over 2,000 Japanese kanji characters ? Do you know how to live in another country ? You have NO IDEA

    Gee... Should we be impressed?
    Are you telling perhaps that the fact you [say you] speak 2 languages makes it = you can not be stupid in anything, AND the fact that you live in Japan = you can not be ignorant?

    I can think of many ignorant people who speak 2 or 3 times as many languages as you, and who have lived in more than 2 countries.

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. amor-vs-
  • amistad y amor. amor-vs-

  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 02:15 PM
    At WWDC, Apple mentioned one of Leopard's features - 64 bit application support. Let's fast forward to Leopard's release day and look at Apple's line. I'm guessing that all all their machines will have 64-bit processors, but surely the difference in processors used in the Macbook, Macbook Pro, the iMac, and the mini, surely can't be just speed, and all using the Merom? The iMac will have Conroe, maybe an E6600.

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. De Amistad En
  • amistad y amor. De Amistad En

  • Brother Esau
    Apr 24, 07:48 AM
    Judging from the the overwhelming majority of responses in regards to personal privacy violation these days, coming from the younger generations in regards to issues of this nature and typical replies such as.... Don't Care, I'm not doing anything wrong so I'm fine with that, Let them look, They are not violating you're rights, you have a Tinfoil Hat on! etc , etc, etc,

    I would have to say that the Government is doing a fine job indoctrinating and spoon feeding everyone through mass media to the extent that we are actually breeding complacent spineless cowards that offer no resistance and have no independent thought process of their own!

    In short...You are all good little sheep!

    Why is it that no one offers any resistance these days? The problem and all of the problems this country currently faces is due to the fact that We The People no longer govern this country and protect our constitution & Bill Of Rights!

    We hire and empower our elected officials to represent our voice and our best interest as a society yet these people take what they want, treat us the way they want, steal from us, lie to us, deceive us & left to their devices they will kill us all in the name of greed. And we just bend over and take it and thank them for it!

    I Mean WTF already people? When is everybody going to learn that if everybody would just do their little part in society by being involved on the most very mundane level, we as a people and society would not be plagued with all of these current crisis that we are currently facing in this country!

    STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem! It's that simple!

    Now c'mon Kids call me crazy and say I am wearing a Tin Foil Hat. Just Remember It will be my Generation that brings the fight, not yours!

    amistad y amor. Tarjetas De Amor Y Amistad. de
  • Tarjetas De Amor Y Amistad. de

  • brianus
    Sep 1, 01:05 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    I completely agree with you that using Conroe would make more sense (the casing for the 17" and 20" models was originally designer for a G5, for pete's sake), but I disagree with the assumption that Conroe will *have* to be used in some way in Apple's lineup. Nobody's putting a gun to their head; they may well skip that processor entirely, as AppleInsider has suggested.

    They may be responding to positive reviews and customer satisfaction with the relative silence of the Yonah iMacs compared to their G5 predecessors. I don't know how much hotter and louder an iMac would run with Conroe, but if it was noisy it would be a disappointment, as all the other desktop models they've released this year have been noticeably quieter.

    Of course they won't offer it in aluminum, sheesh. Aluminum is the "pro" color, white and black are the "consumer" colors. Sheesh! Thought you people followed Apple.. anybody think they'll offer a "premium" black 23", same as they did for the higher-end MacBook? They are after all "siblings" in the product lineup.

    Lastly I don't see them getting rid of the "chin" unless they come out with the rumored touch-screen, widescreen video iPods on the 12th too. I think the visual similarity between the iPod and iMac is quite intentional and not something they're likely to change unless the iPod itself changes.

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. compartir
  • amistad y amor. compartir

  • Hollis
    Jul 13, 11:23 PM
    I'd think the option would come a bit later. I mean, who wants an optical drive that can currently play nothing and burn to nothing which will cost them $500-$1000 on a machine that is already very pricey.

    Theres movies on Blu-Ray already.. and you can buy discs to burn too already... I think a BTO option is perfectly reasonable.

    amistad y amor. de amor y la amistad.
  • de amor y la amistad.

  • T'hain Esh Kelch
    Sep 1, 12:28 PM
    Apple legal taking action? Macosxrumors.com down now..

    amistad y amor. poemas de amistad y amor.
  • poemas de amistad y amor.

  • blackjesusninja
    Mar 24, 11:38 AM
    Actually it's $1800-3000, for a G5 64 bit computer. Where do you buy your computers from? No wonder Apple can't dispell the myths even Mac users don't know how much they cost!

    In addition to that, the education price is $1599 and if you remove the superdrive and 56k modem it's down to $1399.

    amistad y amor. amor y amistad
  • amor y amistad

  • jxyama
    Mar 21, 06:14 PM
    sorry to say, bud, but it won't matter much even if 100,000 signs an online petition...

    apple is one of the healthier computer hardware companies out there and probably needs no "saving"...

    and people aren't signing it for a reason... perhaps they don't agree with the petition to begin with?

    amistad y amor. Love and Friendship
  • Love and Friendship

  • maverick808
    Oct 24, 06:26 AM
    dun get excited it is just routine maintanace. The new mbk will will be released late november

    There has NEVER been routine maintainence carried out early on Tuesday mornings. NEVER.

    Maintainence always happens in the evenings.

    Also, what's and MBK?

    amistad y amor. amistad y amor. amor y amistad
  • amistad y amor. amor y amistad

  • twoodcc
    Nov 9, 05:12 PM
    We just had a monster record day, 430k points!

    We now average 258k per day, slightly above our current rank.

    very nice! we should move into #58 in less than a week hopefully

    amistad y amor. fotos de amor y amistad
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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 25, 10:33 AM
    Why would updated mac minis be such a high security product. Its nothing revolutionary so why would apple want so much security on the shipping of them? Im hoping for something BIG

    amistad y amor. mensajes de amistad y amor.
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  • Stella
    Mar 19, 04:31 PM
    All about the oil... "protect the citizens" is a perfect excuse. Sadly, because this is what it should be about.

    Apr 11, 02:13 PM
    Technically, it's a manual gearbox... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct-Shift_Gearbox)

    It is... or perhaps more specifically semi-manual/semi-automatic of course. Though I think of it as a manual and not an automatic.

    If this sounds strange, I had an old Beetle with a stick shift automatic.

    The legendary semi-automatic Beetle... they were brilliant, clever for the time. IRS too... which eliminated the normal Beetle's tendency to tuck a wheel during cornering. :eek: :p

    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    20 is fine, just make it higher res.

    Mar 21, 09:39 AM
    Actually it's $1800-3000, for a G5 64 bit computer. Where do you buy your computers from? No wonder Apple can't dispell the myths even Mac users don't know how much they cost!

    Well, unless you have some implant in your head to attach the computer to, you'll need a monitor as well smart guy *wink*

    Aug 31, 12:12 PM

    What about this ? :)

    Nov 27, 06:46 PM
    If Apple can squeeze extra money out of some egotists who like to think of themselves as prosumers, fine, but the overwhelming majority of users aren't going to get anal about some supposed color-accuracy issues: they want a good-quality, good-looking reliable monitor and if Apple can't provide that at a decent price, Apple loses them to someone who can.
    Certainly, but that's not the question. The question is, 'does Apple care?' And I think the answer is probably a resounding "no." If people don't care about sophistication and refinement, then all of the effort Apple puts into making its Cinema Displays is a waste on those customers--they'd never buy them anyway. Why go after customers whose only loyalty is to the best price? They're a finicky and transient group.

    It's better to sell to a smaller market which will be loyal over time in Apple's view, and that's a perfectly legitimate strategy to have.