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  • andrew.gw
    Apr 3, 03:39 AM
    False. DP 2 can install directly to a blank drive/partitlon.
    Agreed. I installed both Developer Previews on a clean drive � you just have to burn them to a DVD.

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  • Phobophobia
    Jul 20, 02:50 AM
    Vista will sell more copies in its first two weeks than Leopard in its first year. As several hundred thousand years of humanity have demonstrated, rhyme and reason matters little.

    I have doubts about this statement.

    Leopard will be able to run on all macs from the past several years. Vista requires a relatively new machine.

    Vista likely will cost much more than Leopard.

    Most copies of Vista will be sold with new computers.

    Steve has been saving the good stuff for Leopard. He's known for a long time that he needs to steal M$'s thunder with this release.

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  • jettredmont
    Aug 16, 09:15 PM
    Here is a map of the Sirius satellite orbits. You can get a signal pretty far south, at least as far as southern Mexico. But to conserve power, Sirius shuts the power down once the bird goes "below" the equator. XM does have a owership in WorldSpace which does broadcast around the globe through a network of various satellites.


    Very interesting. Wonder why they did a "wobbly" geo-synch, and how their receivers cope with it. I'd guess it's a cost-related thing, but maybe there's an engineering reason for it (certainly does keep at least one bird near-vertical within the US at all times ...) Note that XM is depicted there as a "true" stationary orbit above the equator.

    In any case, still, you're not going to see those satellites from Bombay, no matter how long and hard you look, without a really big mirror ...

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  • rdlink
    May 3, 04:50 AM
    Great, but why use "Click and hold" when you can right click? Why implement the limitations of a small touch screen into a full computer that has the ability to do more? I hate things that require a delay. Click and hold sucks.


    I hope they leave both options available. I have no problem with adding this functionality to OS X for those who want the IOS experience on their desktop. But please leave the "old" way for those of us who prefer it.

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  • yg17
    Mar 22, 11:43 AM
    I love how "gays" freak out when non-homosexual people do something. But yet when "gays" want to do something extreme it's because we don't accept them, so when they get in trouble it's a huge ordeal.

    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    The US was not founded on Christianity, and some 2,000 book written by man about an invisible man in the sky should not be basis for law.

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  • ntrigue
    Jan 12, 03:00 PM
    Why did everyone jump to the conclusion that its offical name is "MacBook Air"?

    What is air-like about a small tablet laptop? This is obviously a proliferation on the 'world without wires' concept...

    iTunes Rentals ... snatch them out of the thin air to your new AppleTV is much more logical.

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  • Primejimbo
    Mar 22, 03:55 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    just because you don't want it, other people do. I have the 80GB and it's getting close to full. I have less than 10GB left and I know people who have way more.

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  • RMo
    May 3, 03:01 AM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be no need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button�

    Many applications work this way on Mac, some developers still put related files into various other locations though unfortunately...

    You're missing the point that Windows uninstallers usually, at least, give you the option of cleaning up user data (e.g., things in your profile, usually C:\Users\username\AppData or C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data, roughly the equivalent of the ~\Library (and Application Support) folder on OS X.

    Yes, this is easily done yourself--if you know where to look. Most users don't. But, on the other hand, this usually doesn't cause any problems, and in most cases it won't take up too much space just to leave it there.

    Finally, this would also be easier for applications that do things like install a pref pane (e.g., Growl, Perian--although it actually puts an uninstaller in the pref pane itself). These are few and far between and better have a good reason for doing so, but they are still around.

    On the other hand, having a single .App bundle is a great way to encourage the (good, in my opinion) practice of self-contained apps. I thought MS was learning towards this around the dawn of the .NET era, but this seems to have been lost...

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  • brenden
    Feb 24, 05:46 PM
    my setup

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  • sunwukong
    Nov 28, 10:55 PM
    This thing has a serious bug infestation : :eek:
    Zune Scene Tech Support : http://www.zunescene.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=e68f9fffa988200ca99f9040d747224f&board=15.0

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  • Family Guy premiere “Love

  • Fubar1977
    Apr 17, 10:46 AM
    The German and Japanese stuff seems to be the best from a quality point of view.

    My Mitsubishi had a really nice old-school auto box in it.

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  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 30, 02:13 AM
    .. it appears your keyboard layout is different though. :p

    Sorry, I was trying to type upside down :D :p ;) :cool:

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  • lyzardking
    May 2, 06:17 PM
    dang, 3 mac pros!

    are you running bigadv units on all 3? or do you use them for something other folding? (i assume you do) and if you don't mind me asking, how do they do if you use them while folding?

    well it seems something might be going on with your username for some reason. you might want to make a thread over at the folding forums about it - maybe they can help

    they're all used for DTP (AI, AP, QE, etc)

    the older one (at home) needs to be paused anytime I need to do anything processor intensive (not the issue with the 09s) especially HB and the like.

    The 08 wont make deadlines with the bidadv units (not after pausing it for hours at a time LOL) unfortunately, I am unable to select the number of processors it will use (like I use to <4>) so now I have to pause it.

    It looks like people are aware of the user name issues over in the "F@H Widget needs testing" thread


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  • TMay
    Apr 13, 12:56 AM
    This is so that each eye receives 24fps for 3d. So finally 3d will now look like a 3d "movie" rather than a 3d flip book.

    Thanks. I missed the 3D.

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  • Benguitar
    Nov 25, 07:45 PM
    Yeah that didn't make sense. ;)

    FWIW, I really love Pelican cases. I'll be buying one soon to put a couple guns in. Kudos to you for taking care of your $h!t.

    You will most likely never drive a Ferrari at full speed, My glasses may never be crushed by a truck. But it's nice to have the speed/protection. :cool:

    And thank you for the kudos, It's something my family (grandfather mostly) taught me to do all my life. :)

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 26, 11:47 PM
    It's not that I know anything - it's just that it's so bloody obvious that nothing in Apple's current lineup is even remotely suitable for a home theater PC....

    However, a Conroe in a DVD-player sized case, with 2 or 3 500GB or 750GB drives, a couple of TV tuners (SD and HD), FrontRow on steroids - then you'd have something.

    Take a peek at what available in Windows for the Home Theatre space - like: http://www.acedigitalhome.com/limited.htm

    Conroes with quad TV tuners, RAID, touch-screen controls....Holy Molly! That look fantastic! How much money are they?

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  • Benguitar
    Nov 26, 04:02 PM
    Lighten up, guy.:)

    I know, :p

    I didn't know they had Lego Games on the iPad.....

    :eek: Want.

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  • Quotes About Family Love.

  • Apple OC
    Mar 21, 07:21 PM
    The gist of the statements currently coming from UN-mandated coalition members seems to be that once that "all necessary measures" have been taken to protect Libyans under attack by Gaddafi loyalists, the coalition military will simply seek to maintain that protection. Any political progess from that point on will have to be negotiated between Gaddafi, the Arab League, and the UN.

    It will be important to get the Arab League onboard, but just now they are pretty distracted with internal instability and rarely agree on anything anyways. They neither want to keep Gaddafi around nor show him the door.

    I agree ... interesting progress this UN decision has become, the Arab partners seem to now be on the fence.

    Getting Gaddafi to step down seems like a logical solution ... however that may not happen if he tries to all of a sudden play ball a bit.

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  • UsedToUseAnA2E
    Apr 21, 09:19 PM
    The WSJ has an interesting article claiming that both iPhones and Android phone home location data.

    Oct 23, 07:58 PM
    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.

    Apple is attending, but no keynote, so I'll put my money on tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 24 for the MBPs, with the Macbooks 4 weeks later (Nov. 21), still in time for Black Friday, which will be Nov. 24. This will allow Apple to take advantage of pent-up demand for new machines by selling the higher-priced MPBs before the new MacBooks are introduced, and still have the consumer-oriented machines ready for the biggest consumer retail day of the year.

    Specs? Core2 Duo 2.16 GHz base 15" model with GeForce Go 7300 and 100 GB HD, upgraded 2.33 GHz 15" with GeForce Go 7600 and 120 GB HD, and 17" with similar specs to the mid-range model except a 160 GB HD. All with 8X DL SuperDrive and (gasp!) 1 GB RAM (single DIMM), upgradeable to 3 GB. Prices should stay about the same.

    As for MacBooks, I expect 1.83 and 2.0 GHz Core2 Duos, with (again!) 1 GB RAM (2 DIMMS), and HDs bumped to 80 GB for the white MacBooks and 100 GB for the BlackBook. Sorry, but Intel Integrated Graphics are in the Macbooks to stay, at least in the near future. Prices should again stay about the same.

    Jul 20, 07:47 AM
    What makes you think that you have to do that?

    have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?

    What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.

    I have used Linux before, admit that I gave up with linux with Suse 9. The point I was trying to make with the package manager is that its not easy to go out and find something, every time you either have to find a package for your specific distribution or have it "built" for your distro. If you look at the way the mac works now I can drag the aduim icon to a remote drive, and from almost any machine that meets the basic specs I can then double click that app, even if its on a network drive, it will run, can you say the same for Linux?

    By unification I meant giving a constant user experience with singal points of administration, management ect. Some of my previous sessions with linux the applications did not always fully adhere to guidelines that were set out by KDE, whatever theme i choose, it didnt adapt to it for example. I fully admit im not a linux guru, and that things very likely have changed, but my perception is that every distro comes with a boat load of software on the DVD or via download, if you want to get something thats not listed it becomes a bit more difficult. There is the issue of building your own kernel and then software for it but other than bulding the kernel i have no knowlede of any related issues.

    The mac advantage is that its a bit easier to get, install and run applications than windows, and IMO linux as well. Thats a advantage apple should leverage and try and sell more if they are going to sell more machines and increase the market share of the entire platform.

    I agree with kalisphoenix to an extent when he says that the linux people dont want a single unified distro, the linux crowd doesnt want a true singular unfied platform, why is there a few big distros out there after years of linux development, why are there so many niche ones, and why do linux users argue with others over their favorite distro? Diversity and flexability is one of the strenghts of Linux, its users know that, and having a single distro that does everything will counter that strength, they also know that.

    Im not taking on linux, to the contrary I believe linux has a critical place, I personally believe that its diversity/flexibility is one of the reasons it hasnt concored the desktop market, (peolpe want the plain and simple windows thing, to much options makes it overly complex), diversity/flexibility is the same reason linux has concored the server market.

    May 8, 10:13 AM
    ive completely forgotten about this.. i wanna do it but i dont want my baby imac over heating :(

    Well the bigadv units is where the points are at. I've heard of people doing them with an i7 iMac. You could give it a shot, and if you think it's too hit, then just stop it and do the a3 units

    Nov 26, 08:48 PM
    Just got done framing (: took me a minute too.


    Aug 7, 08:09 AM
    what about when steve says they have a new case and the 17" has an optional blu-ray drive. and they all have hdmi output. x1800 256/512

    he will kill us all

    Man, thats not enough.... we need dual Nvidia mobile GPUs with SLI...just like Alienware has! (Each with 512MB, for a total of 1GB video ram!)