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  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 28, 07:17 PM
    I never had a misconception about the life cycle of a console, it's when new consoles debut that has changed. I chuckle at the PS2 reference...very few survived ten years. I never owned one but replaced plenty of bad DVD drives for friends. I had an xbox that worked for three years from day one, and my friend's xbox ate itself on day three. On the other hand I went through eleven 360 consoles in the first year and a half and my friends 360 never flinched the whole time. Would have been less if I had told MS to go screw themselves and mod it sooner. Point being, life cycle is relative.

    Honestly? My launch day xbox is still going strong with nothing but 2 freeze ups. And my PS2 is still going strong too - i understand some peeps have had some significant problems (60% failure rate on launch 360s).

    Life cycle in relation to a platform isn't relative at all. As it stood prior to MS going for the 4 year lifecycle with the 360, it was a new platform every 5 years. With the advent of the playstation, there was significant overlap. This is what will happen again with the PS4 - hell, the PS2 has just recently been delisted by NPD - up until then they were still selling. That's the kind of overlap we are talking about - you still have the '10 year cycle' but a new platform will be released about half way through. T

    I have 20/15 in my right eye and 20/20 in my left. Lasik surgery. I don't get motion sick while driving or boating...must be the refresh rate. Yes I'm sensitive. I've been gaming since I was ten years old, and over time my eyes have adjusted. I have a tendency to not blink while playing games. Maybe that has something to do with it. All I know is it was a struggle to beat Darksiders due to the constant screen tear and low framerate. Of course, not all console games are 30fps, just the majority, with the minority being <30fps and 60fps games being the little yellow bus of the industry. Even then it gets fuzzy since animations aren't always adjusted to the framerate. Sure they refresh the screen 60 times a second, doesn't mean anything else refreshes 60 times a second. I've seen what a real temporal resolution is through Silicon Graphics, so it's been night and day to me since the late 90s. And yes, I'm talking out of my arse, don't you recognize the language? Doesn't make it any less true.

    Methinks the fact that you don't blink that much would probably exacerbate your issues bud.

    Yeah screen tear may be problematic for you, but some people don't even experience it - I do and I'll admit it's irritating, but it's hardly an issue where it will stop the majority. All I'm going to say it must suck to be you.

    That's my point. The console industry is playing some twisted bullet-time chicken game. I could have counted the bolts and rivets in both cars by now. PC's keep up because they are modular and allow competition. Right now we have TWO major game console industry giants [with a flat-out loopy like daffy duck on red bull third wheel company] holding up the whole damned evolution of console gaming. I'm fed up with the different attachments, it still feels like I'm getting reamed. All this R&D for disposables is a waste of time and money. Ask Tony Hawk how much he lost on those ridiculous board controllers (I should know since I have one). The only true way to saturate the demographic with a new form of gameplay is to make it standard with a new console at an affordable price. The rest will go the way of the 32x.

    It sounds like you are a serious PC gaming fanboy and that's cool. There's plenty of room in the market. Granted, most of the PC devs are switching over as you make more money on the console side, but hey ho, you won't feel sick :rolleyes:

    You are thinking the console market is like the PC market - it isn't I agree, I'd love a new gen console right about now, but they are doing some interesting things with kinect and to a slightly lesser extent, the Wii so I'll at least be amused until the new gen arrives - but that's the thing, you can't release consoles like ipods - there has to be a decent amount of time to gather pace and sales.

    Ask tony hawk? don't make me laugh, that was activision's decision, Tony sold his likeness a long time ago. You are just showing how....little you know. And seriously? you bought one of those pieces of crap?

    I'm sorry, but you are clearly clueless with some of your ideas. Which is fine with me, I at least am getting a laugh.

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  • jaxstate
    Jul 18, 02:44 PM
    About darn time. I'm glad it will be a rental service. I rarely watch a movie more than once, and this will keep the priced down. Anything over 4 bucks per view isn't going to work.

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  • Carbon fiber spotlight Android

  • tablo13
    Sep 16, 04:39 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471004347&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3465wt_913)

    The Incipio DermaSHOT would have better quality, right?

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  • carbon fiber women desktop ipad show some simple Ipad+carbon+fiber+wallpaper. Ipad Carbon Fiber Wallpaper - Page 2 | Ipad

  • chuckles:)
    Jan 12, 05:01 PM
    Apple would never call a computer a "macbook air".

    its a stupid name that says nothing about the product.

    carbon fibre wallpaper. Carbon fiber Wallpaper.
  • Carbon fiber Wallpaper.

  • eaweber1
    Apr 3, 12:43 AM
    It would be "magical" if Apple could make enough for everyone who wants to buy one....could!

    Now Apple Fanboys....dont blame it on the tsunami....Apple knew they only had 17 of them to sell on launch day way before that happened.

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  • carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon

  • emotion
    Nov 27, 02:31 PM
    Reasons why this isn't a good idea:

    1. Too small, you can get 19 inch widescreen monitors for �130 upward these days. The market for the Apple 17" is that market. I'd believe a 19inch rumour though. The 20" ACD is pro, maybe release a 19" in black or white for macbook/mac mini owners?

    2. Digitimes? Page 3 rumours.

    And talking of matching accessories when is apple going to release keyboards that are up to date? Their current offering look as out of date as the bondi blue imac. Euw (I know this is off-topic for the thread but the rumour is bogus anyway :) ).

    carbon fibre wallpaper. Carbon Fiber wallpaper
  • Carbon Fiber wallpaper

  • millerrh
    Oct 23, 04:58 PM
    I sure hope DanCosich's post is true! I just had my 12" Powerbook stolen from me last week and my insurance company is paying for an equal replacement or if one isn't available, the next thing up. Looks like a 15" MBP is the next thing up! Going from a 1.33GHz G4 to a C2D MBP is just a plain silly upgrade. I'm out $1000 from a deductible, but that's quite the upgrade for $1000. I'd say it was worth the theft except the fact that my car got busted up as well.

    *crosses fingers*

    carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper.
  • carbon fibre wallpaper.

  • blackghostknife
    Oct 23, 11:29 AM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others

    Yeah, um... what?

    And I think I'll take the former...

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  • carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon; carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon. Tobsterius. Apr 13, 06:39 AM. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone

  • vvebster
    Nov 24, 08:19 PM
    My Fav Colour

    Holly crap i have the same thing! You have ethe Blackberry 3G?

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  • Carbon+fiber+wallpaper+hd

  • quagmire
    Jan 6, 04:43 PM
    That's all that matters, no? I'm not gonna be going around Fred Flintstone-ing my bimmer...

    There is the electronics that control the engine, etc. You will probably have to do some engine work along the way as well. My dads old E46 had to replace the water pump at 45,000 miles because it blew up( warranty), replace a pulley as it began to squeal at 65,000 miles( wasn't cheap, but forgot the exact amount it cost), and started to run roughly at 70,000 miles when idling. Dealer said it was due to my dad putting 87 in the tank when BMW recommends 91/93. Though when my brother got the car and replaced the spark plugs, the engine smoothed out again. Right now at 150,000 miles I believe my brother stated he thinks the crankcase is starting to go.

    BMW( or any German vehicle) is going to be expensive to maintain. There is no getting around it.

    carbon fibre wallpaper. a fixed carbon fiber roof
  • a fixed carbon fiber roof

  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 11:53 AM
    Should this apply to Apple's competitors as well? Or only Apple should not be allowed to approve/disapprove apps?

    I see apps like DVDs. There are DVDs made for all age groups, from preschool cartoons to the raunchiest sex and violence that one could stand.

    In order to purchase an adult DVD there is some degree of age confirmation. But once that DVD is purchased, any person of any age can pop it in a player to view it. It's up to the parent to secure those DVDs against the curious eyes of minors. Likewise apps should not be censored.

    Apple may not want to sell them through their store, just like Blockbuster may not want to sell triple X-rated movies, but if a developer can create an app for the iPhone then I'd prefer to see Apple or Apple's competitors let the market decide what is successful and what is not.

    carbon fibre wallpaper. Tags: carbon fibre wallpaper
  • Tags: carbon fibre wallpaper

  • aurin
    Jan 13, 05:25 PM
    The MacBook Air
    Is Vaporware:p

    [QUOTE=thinkband;4744434]Actually, I think 'Macbook Air' has a ring to it.

    carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper.
  • carbon fibre wallpaper.

  • PygmySurfer
    Oct 23, 11:59 AM
    Updates are expected very soon boys and ghouls!

    It's "boils and ghouls" ;)

    carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper.
  • carbon fibre wallpaper.

  • monke
    Jan 1, 07:05 PM
    This year better be good!

    I sure hope so.

    Where did you find that image? Are there others?

    On the Apple website, right in the middle of the main page. :)

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  • 2011 Lotus Exige Carbon Fiber

  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 01:07 PM
    It needs:
    Glossy Screen (Even if it's only an option)
    Up to 3GB RAM (at least; 4GB would be nice)
    Merom (Obviously)

    Why Merom (Obviously). Honestly, Apple have been using a laptop processor in all their machines since January (until the Mac Pro). because only the Yonah was available.

    Would you honestly be happy spend a shed load of money on a 23" Imac that STILL has a laptop processor? Come on, Conroe will be in the new iMacs

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  • arn
    Sep 1, 11:50 AM
    How reliable is MacOSXrumors?

    In the past they haven't been particularly notable, but the Leopard reports seemed real, and so this one is given more credence. Obviously, we'll know more on Sept 12th. :)


    carbon fibre wallpaper. Carbon Fiber Wallpaper Tile
  • Carbon Fiber Wallpaper Tile

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 26, 02:11 PM
    ...Apple is turning into a company of douche bags.

    So apple should just do nothing.

    carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. Pez555. May 4, 07:45 AM. disappointing if true.
  • carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. carbon fibre wallpaper. Pez555. May 4, 07:45 AM. disappointing if true.

  • Blasphemic
    Jan 7, 05:26 AM
    Yes, it's a Vauxhall Corsa. Brilliant car to start in, never broken down either. Except I did brake the hand-break once :D Pulled it to hard I think, had to park the car in gear over night.

    yea starts everytime =)
    The electronics on the other hand is acting abit up so when i brake or use the indicators the fog lights come on in the dashboard, but its those little things that make it so special :P

    carbon fibre wallpaper. Tags: Pirate, Carbon Fiber
  • Tags: Pirate, Carbon Fiber

  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:36 AM
    Right. If he is going to base a decision on potential and storage then Blue Ray and HD-DVD is not really the way to go... I find it funny everyone here is oozing for Blue Ray yet Holographic has more potential...
    Can I purchase a Holographic disc?

    Nope not at my local BestBuy, I guess that makes it pretty hard to include. Wait... does anyone have a holographic disc.... nope ... no manufacturer.... not even researchers.... so I guess that means the timeframe for the device... is slated release with Vista or about 10 yrs from now.... which means it doesn't have a greater potential within a timeframe.

    Apr 30, 06:07 AM
    congrats to lyzardking for 7 million points!

    i see your output is up! care to share what machines you got folding?

    Oct 25, 06:08 AM
    Sorry, but EVERYTHING is politics. You cannot discuss economics and manufacturing without bumping into it.

    I respectfully disagree. Politics to me is a bunch of idiots trying to sway my opinion with unbelievable arguments so they can garner my vote and maintain their little sphere of influence in government. Politics effects everything, but political arguments are generally a poor characterization of reality. In politics these days everything is demonized. People are polarized on one end of the extreme or the other. The day of bi-partisan compromise seems to be over.

    Hence, I'd prefer it if folks saved their political debates for the threads in the political forum. I read this mostly to escape that garbage (i.e.: the unreasonably demonization of the half the population because of how they might feel about some social issue).

    I have my own political views, and likely we agree on many things, we could rant forever on this forum -- but that's not what this forum is for and I'd hate for it to deteriorate into yet another place for such debates.

    EDIT: Your remarks on my feelings on Communism are not correct. I feel very differently than you stated. But this is not the place to discuss that further. I doubt anybody who comes here cares.

    Mar 22, 06:37 PM
    We'll just see what happens. I bought the 160 not too long ago so i won't be upgrading but it's good to know it's still around. 4571 songs of uncompressed audio and counting. gotta love the classics.

    Jan 11, 08:07 PM
    AirMac is actually the name of an Apple product in Japan. I believe its just an Airport



    LOL then IDK what to call a Mac with Air :) Maybe it just has a ton of fans in it so everyone can stop whining about how hot there notebook is. :cool:

    Jan 12, 05:22 PM
    is it just me or does it seem like apple is becoming the Wonka factory for computers?