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  • reyesmac
    Aug 6, 09:29 PM
    I will be surprised if Vista comes out with most features in leopard, even if they are hacked wanna be copies. They have done it before and with the preview Apple will just give them one more chance to do it. What I don't think they will be able to copy is the features in the iApps that will come out or core video effects. Well, not without raising the requirements to run vista yet again.

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  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:09 PM
    Hmm... the problem with that line-up is that when consumers see the shiny new advert saying "Meet the new iMacs" they'll look at the clock speeds and say "What new iMacs?". I think it would be reasonable for Apple to offer...

    17" iMac - $1,199 - 2 GHz, X1650 Pro 128 MB
    20" iMac - $1,699 - 2.16 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
    23" iMac - $2,199 - 2.33 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB

    I think EVERYONE's suggested prices are way too high, even for a chip upgrade. They'll want to do a cost comparison for these new machines the same way they did the Mac Pro. iMacs are still quite overpriced compared to similar desktops from other companies, even with monitors. Bring those prices down Apple, and you'll have a TON of "switchers" with these machines.

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  • akac
    Apr 12, 09:41 PM
    Ground up rewrite = a whole load of bugs.

    It'll be interesting to see how many shops use this for production work when it's finally released.

    Depends on how long and wide the beta goes.

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  • JackSYi
    Jul 18, 02:14 AM
    Too bad Steve couldn't cut a deal from the studios.

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  • RebootD
    Mar 24, 01:41 PM
    You mean we may finally be able to buy a current gen video card at a comparable price to their windows counterparts?! Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming.. right?

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Merom doesn't cost the same as Yonah! Merom costs the same now as Yonah did WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. Since then the cost has gone down and is supposed to dip lower in the coming weeks. Apple could use Yonah in the Mini and lower the price to where it used to stand.

    Nonono, Merom costs the same as Yonah's June price points which are still here even with Merom out in the wild.

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  • fahadqureshi
    Apr 26, 02:01 PM
    i think the word app store in it self is generic, mainly since app is just short for application which is just another word for a program. but then again most people didn't use the word app or even applications widely enough until apple started using it, and instead used the more generic 'program'.

    The only trademark apple is entitled to should be iAppstore especially since they chose to call their book store iBookstore instead of just 'Book Store'

    Everyone should just blame Microsoft for having a "Add or Remove Programs" instead of a "Add or Remove Applications" in their control panel. :rolleyes:
    that way applications or apps would have been a more generic term.

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  • Zaty
    Mar 20, 09:52 AM
    If you want to compare Macs to PCs, you just can't take any PC being sold for $500. Like other people said, you get what you pay for. On the other hand, not every PC is a piece of crap (hardware wise). I bought a top of the line PII 450MHz in late 1998. It cost almost $2000 back then. But guess what, it's still running happily. The question is how long is the computer going to last? The more you pay, the longer your computer (Mac or PC) normally lasts. The good thing about Apple is that there is no $500 crap.

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  • bigandy
    Nov 29, 04:54 PM
    Living room, car, blah blah blah.

    Nobody has yet delivered a truly GOOD streaming media solution for my hot air balloon. Are you listening Apple???!!!!! :mad:

    they always have to miss some huge market opportunity, don't they.


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  • daneoni
    Mar 24, 02:05 PM
    I wonder if support is really there or just the ability to identify the cards.

    Native Core Image acceleration and Quartz Extreme support on all those cards

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  • justbuyamac
    Sep 15, 07:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8)

    A non-issue for the 3 iPhones in my account. We have used cases on all iPhones we've had.

    Sounds like CR is trolling for free publicity. Antenna and reception issues have been an issue with all cell phones from the very beginning.

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  • CEAbiscuit
    Nov 28, 12:04 PM
    guys i think you're being too hard on zune. play with one. it's not THAT bad. it's ugly, but the interface isn't bad at all. I don't plan on buying a zune (my ipod is fine and i'm waiting on a video pod), but it's good to have it in the marketplace for competition sake. maybe apple will actually pay attention to some of the features like the built in radio tuner which is a nobrainer...

    I played with it in a Target over the weekend. It IS THAT bad. I agree with the competition aspect, but the the things comes off clunky and akward...

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  • skunk
    Mar 21, 05:05 PM
    I think this would be conterproductive to the end result though.Oh, the Humanity!

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems. call of duty black ops
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  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 07:54 PM
    So true.. I love all the bedroom coding and indie published stuff on iOS but to the big names in the industry iOS still just seems like a curiosity.. The prolonged trying to figure it all out / experimental phase is getting a little frustrating, though totally understandable. I wonder how long it'll be before we start getting more in the way of original content from the big IP holders. Original content that serves as a full game rather than a tech demo or proof of concept. They really should be savvy to the limitations of the devices by now.

    There are very good, high-quality full games on the App Store. Are you under the impression that the "big titles" are all previews and proofs-of-concept?

    We're moving way past the experimental phase. You need to sample some of the heavier-hitting titles.

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  • vvebster
    Nov 24, 08:19 PM
    My Fav Colour

    Holly crap i have the same thing! You have ethe Blackberry 3G?

    call of duty black ops prestige emblems. call of duty black ops
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  • calderone
    Apr 3, 08:40 PM
    It should be an option, at least. You can hide the toolbar in windowed mode, so you should be able to in fullscreen; I can't see Apple leaving it in its current implementation.

    I can. Full screen is in large part based on the iOS, if that holds true the address bar is staying.

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  • mrblack927
    Apr 1, 08:41 AM
    The new "year view" shows a heat map of events, ie. the more red it is the busier your day. ;)

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  • chutch15
    Sep 12, 08:30 PM
    I really like it. It fits well and I like the material. It provides a good grip, slides nicely into my pocket, but doesn't slide around in my car when I place it on my center console.

    I searched for the Belkin case on BestBuy.com then clicked Find in Store. The Concord Pike store was the only one within 30 min of me that showed it as in stock. However, I just did it again and it says differently. I was there at 3:30pm today and I'm sure they didn't have a rush on them this afternoon. There were a lot there of each color. I'd suggest running over there tomorrow. They are on the iPod Accessory rack near the front of the store on the far right side.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Jun 24, 01:39 AM
    damn Son, very nicely done!:cool:

    That's a very old render. I doubt MacAllen made it. Plus, why would you want a transparent display on a desktop? I can almost understand it on a window, but on a desktop it just looks like ****.

    Sep 7, 02:02 PM
    In contrast, Amazon will launch a service that will have a very comprehensive back catalog but will be frustrating to use as after downloading your movie, your options will be:

    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    I think they're only rare in the US. The few times I went to italy the closest thing to an automatic that I saw was a smart car with tiptronic.

    I think that will start to change in the next few years as the cost of dual-clutch transmissions start to really come down--for example, Ford's dry-ctutch version of the Powershift transmission that first debuted on the North American-market Mk. VI Ford Fiesta. DCT's allow for very fast gear shifts (normally done using paddle shifters on the steering column), and could be switched to full automatic mode for driving in situations that involve a lot of start and stop movement such as urban driving.

    Sep 8, 02:58 PM
    This sure is starting to sound like MOVIEBEAM... and who owns that???

    Walt Disney Owns MOVIEBEAM.

    Nov 16, 03:40 PM
    I'm thinking about my future 8 core Macpro:
    2 questions for you:
    - Do you think the 8 core proc will produce a lot more heat than the current core duo 2 ? I'm asking because I need a very quiet computer ...
    -As always: shall we expect this one in the Macpro before 2007 ?

    thx !

    1. Yes. Lots more heat. Also the PSU may not be sufficient to drive the CPUs, memory, video card. two optical drives, four hard disks, all the gizmos on the main board etc... Effectivly Intel fixed the problem with their CPUs being power hungry heat monsters with the Core 2 Duo - and then they made exactly the same mistake by creating a power hungry heat monster with their Core 2 Quads... All just to beat AMD to the "Quad Core"

    2. My guess (just a guess mind) is Feb-March next year.

    Mar 24, 02:13 PM
    Awesome news, I recomend the ATI 5870. It can be found for only $200 and it more than holds it's own against the latest and greatest from Nvidia and ATI. It's only 6 percent slower than a 6950. The 6950 on the other hand can be flashed to a 6970 quite easily but it costs abot $260.

    mmm, is that $200 5870 the one that is mac compatible? The only mac compatible version I found was almost $500. I'm not interested in trying to flash a pc card.