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  • twoodcc
    Mar 21, 06:25 PM
    I guess I'm number 1 on the team now :cool:

    congrats! keep it up!

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  • mattyuk
    Jan 31, 10:54 AM
    VW Polo 1.4, had it 3 year.

    cute love quotes for him from heart. cute love quotes for him from heart. love quotes for a broken heart; love quotes for a broken heart. nies. Apr 27, 08:54 PM. Ok appleguy :p
  • cute love quotes for him from heart. love quotes for a broken heart; love quotes for a broken heart. nies. Apr 27, 08:54 PM. Ok appleguy :p

  • appleguy123
    Mar 19, 11:29 PM
    I used it. It didn't work for me ):

    You need to pray harder, and hate yourself more.

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  • Choralone
    Apr 19, 05:11 PM
    I'm GOING to upgrade from a slow single processor 867Mhz G4 from 2001 running Tiger with a 120GB+60GB HD and the ancient ATI 9000 Pro.:)

    1 21.5 (or 24 please)
    3.x Ghz Quad SB i7
    8 GB (or 16GB)
    2 TB HD
    Ati 6000x series
    etc etc:):)

    So close... I'm going to finally upgrade from the dual 867Mhz G4 "Mirrored Door" from and am also running Tiger.

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  • mrapplegate
    Apr 6, 08:14 AM
    Ok I'm using a Late 2008 MBP model, 2.4 ghz IC2D , 4gig ram. But Launchpad is lagging for me big time, when I try to scroll thru my apps for instance. and when i switch windows its not always flowing. Now I know LION still has a few miles to go before it works perfectly, however I wanna know if its the same for other developers with later MBP's or does it flow perfectly?

    I am using a late 2010 MBP, i5, 8GB RAM and I have no lagging issues with launchpad other than a slight delay opening folders. I don't use it much so it is not a noticible issue for me. Apps scroll quickly and I am able to page left or right seamlessly.

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  • cmustin
    Nov 24, 11:09 PM

    Props if anyone knows who used that bag.

    I use this same bag. Did you pick it up at an Army surplus store? That's where I got mine.

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  • mi5moav
    Sep 7, 12:19 PM
    I really believe that Itunes will not be housing the ITMS, I think IMOV or another app will be used for the video store. So, if someone works hard as hell 80 hours a week and only makes $5.00 and hour so he can support his family and then you have a plumber who just graduated highschool making $95 bucks every 1/2 hour to support his crack habit, that's the kinda of society you are looking for. Most Docs and Lawyers make about 2x to 3x a normal living wage in Europe, and they get along with the so called comon folks just fine. If a fry cook where to ask a Dr. to come to his house for some beer the Doc would probably sue the guy. Anyway... new "IMOVIE STORE" .APP

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 13, 01:57 AM
    Bluetooth headphones?

    Would get my money if done right.

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  • Surely
    Nov 26, 03:18 PM
    Lighten up, guy.:)

    http://www.radphone.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/d4125f3e4ezlynrx.jpg.jpg http://www.onestopwebmasters.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/sketchbook-pro-ipad-application.jpg http://theappera.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/shrek-kart-iphone-1.png https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJqMw1cxZWdwJDIIT1MOVGsbm0KPXhDsmunTqqxrvJYuRyiR49_1kLdcLf7t0v6U_-7oS9s_THzUd8VN5txMnQERHlk_3MtmvT9zyYVwYX_DHbFYWwbodhu0L0DDY4RtS_qJcOFaq_1_Y/?imgmax=800

    All for my iPad, although the Harry Potter game is universal, so I'll probably play it on my iP4 as well.

    I'll probably buy a few more apps before the weekend is over, what with all the sales. Can anyone recommend a good pool game?

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  • OdduWon
    Jan 1, 09:33 PM
    i hope this year apple takes a wider stance on how they support the artists used in there iTMS collection. More web links and a way of getting straight to their upcoming show list would be a nice start, as some were lost when iT 7 came out.

    With iTv you could have a "front row" seat for live streamed concerts and events. This would be like pay-per view but with a apple tie in.

    And if you had a camera setup YOU could be the event. A sort of iCast ;)

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Nov 27, 01:26 PM
    Wow, for the first time ever I actually beat MacRumors: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=3095478#post3095478

    I think a 17" model would be a good idea for Apple. It'll stop people buying Minis from getting their LCD fix from elsewhere to some extent and won't cost Apple a bean in R&D costs since they already use 17" panels in the iMac and have all the internals ready because of the 20" and 23" ACDs. It would only need a different sized chassis to be designed.

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  • kiljoy616
    Mar 26, 01:45 AM
    Looks better than any racing sim on the Wii.

    I was looking at the Wii we have at home and thinking the same thing. Apple has been late to the gaming but I wonder how long before appletv 2 or 3 are also a game system.:rolleyes:

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  • Galaxas0
    Apr 2, 11:00 PM
    In Safari, you can now change the width of a page by moving the cursor to the scrollbar and you see the little "adjust width" icon. Drag that and the width of the page decreases/increases toward the center.

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  • Jaster
    Apr 3, 10:15 AM

    The scrollbar stays a constant black regardless of content. It's a black semi-transparent overlay, and ontop of black backgrounds, you can just barely make out the hint of its outline (since it isn't quite solid black.)

    Ah thanks.

    Hopefully Apple implements some code into the OS/Webkit that looks up what colour the background is and colours the scrollbar light/dark accordingly.

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  • Horrortaxi
    Mar 19, 01:39 AM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....
    Everyone is buying IBMs and if Apple doesn't do something then they are dead. I love my Macintoshes but Apple needs market share to grow !

    Apple needs customers, Apple needs to start thinking out of their little 5% market share. The Ipod was a good example but you can't keep on counting on people to buy it. For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac - this is just one example where Apple is starting to make software because companies are leaving the platform.

    We need a cheap Mac to bring in new Customers. Maybe its their first Mac experience.

    This sounds like a conversation straight out of 1990. Apple vs. IBM--come on!

    Apple is not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether their market share is 5%, 2%, or 15% is irrelevant. They make a profit. That will keep them around. Who says you have to oppressively dominate the field to stay in business? Okay, who besides Bill Gates?

    You have the software thing backward. Safari and Final Cut Pro existed (and did dominate on the Mac platform) before Microsoft and Adobe pulled the plugs in thier products.

    We do not need a cheap Mac. One of the things I love about the Mac is that you don't have the option to buy a piece of crap.

    WOMBAT indeed!

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 23, 11:04 PM
    64 bit has to do with memory addressing, not GUI speed. Someone posted they felt it unlikely Santa Rosa (Intel 64 bit memory support chips) would be released early. But doesn't Intel have a 64 bit memory addressing system similar to the ?965? now?

    64bit instructions can provide a speed boost for certain computationally-intense applications that are optimized for it. Think scientific / visualization type apps where high precision values are needed and when 64bit values are being used, suddenly on a 64bit platform with 64bit registers, the time for a multiplication operation can effectively be cut in half. That's very simplistic, but not all that far off. Over in PC Land, some 3D rendering softwares have 64bit to 128bit (Lightwave is 96bit) operation pipelines in place for their precision values. Their 64bit optimized versions are showing 15 to 35 % speed ups depending on the various task vs. the 32bit version of the software doing the same thing on a 32bit OS, so there is a boost...

    While you won't see the speed advantage in your Tiger or Leopard GUI, you'll notice it if you run any calculation-intense software that's optimized for the 64bit platform. So there's a bit more there than just being able to address more memory....

    If you don't need 3+ GB of portable memory NOW, you might as well wait till June 07 or buy whatever is available now and be really happy with it.

    I'm starting to feel like a broken record with this one... If you do need more than 3GB of RAM now, then you're out of luck. Intel is not shipping any mobile chipsets capable of addressing anything larger than a 32bit address window (4GB). Factoring in all the memory addresses used by system overhead, BIOS, video memory, etc..., you come up with just a fuzz over 3GB that you can actually address and use, even if you install a full 4GB. This won't change until they ship Crestline -- the updated mobile chipset (i965). The Desktop i965 series has already been shipping for a while now and that works with the desktop Core 2 Duo CPUs (Conroe).

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 3, 11:04 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Since the iPad does nothing useful this appeal to the wimpy "feelings" crowd is no surprise. Replace the iPad with a pair of pants and this could easily double as a Levi's commercial.

    You can't be that thick. No way. You're just being a contrarian for the sake of it. Have to be.

    The entire industry, a number of companies that had to shift their long-term strategy, and millions of consumers would disagree.

    You can have your opinion, but if it's completely out of touch with the market and the direction in which consumer tech is heading, it's useless.

    You're not alone, though. There's this really big, dumb company way past its sell-by date in Redmond that doesn't get it either. They tried, though. They really did.


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  • weiss
    Oct 23, 07:27 PM
    I actually decided "the hell with it, i'm not going to wait any longer" and went to closest retail store to get myself a nice looking black macbook. It was sold out. Actually, I can't find it anywhere, so it's not much of a choice anymore (at least until they get more units).

    So, I'm stuck in the waiting room again. Let's all hold hands and believe, brothers! The C2D is coming! Hallelujah!

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  • yukyuklee
    Feb 25, 05:31 PM
    Hey Veg,

    Where did you get that lamp?

    Apr 6, 09:10 AM
    Not getting any of these at all.

    I suspect that a particular application causes these crashes as this behavior only exists on one account of my machine. However, I have not been able to pin down the culprit...

    Does anyone know what the following error message in the crash report may indicate?
    xpchelper registration failed for sandbox candidate.: _xpc_connection_send_serializer_to_port() returns NULL

    Full of Win
    Apr 12, 08:57 PM
    I thought the new iMovie was genius. I knew SO many family members who wouldn't touch the old iMovie because it was too complicated. They needed something simpler and the new iMovie gave it to them.

    I really think the only people who complained about the new iMovie were people who should have been using Final Cut Express all along anyway. It's not Apple's fault that they weren't using the right program before.

    It's always the users fault. :rolleyes:

    Sep 6, 09:34 AM
    My first instinct was that Apple stuck with Yonah in the Mini because of something they're about to introduce next week. The "streaming video" device could very well fill the set-top box niche that the Mini does, only at a lower price for the same remote media functions.

    I was wondering which way it would go--I guess it's still up in the air. Basically I just see this as a $200 price drop, which is always welcome.

    Sep 30, 04:22 PM
    Something like this, except on an iPod

    Like I said, get one where the inside has a pattern on it to avoid that or a matte one

    I saw a youtube video of someone having that same problem. His tip was to use a very small pinch of baby powder and put it on your finger. Then rub it thoroughly all over the back of the iPod. Once you put on the case the watermarks should disappear.

    Jan 12, 12:47 AM
    Maybe Apple's poster actually says more but we can't see the bottom?

    Something like: "There's something in the air... blow it out your ass Microsoft" :p

    I'm crying right now, that was funny as hell.


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