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ocean food chain for kids

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  • aznguyen316
    Sep 14, 06:29 AM
    ^ cool thanks for the green pics. I like that color. I couldn't find those cases at either of my nearest BB's although online showed in stock.. hmm.

    ocean food chain for kids. Ocean Food Web Diagram.
  • Ocean Food Web Diagram.

  • Yaboze
    Mar 26, 10:57 PM
    It looks very cool and I'm impressed by the 1080p video. I didn't think there was enough video memory to do that.

    The iPad + HDMI adapter looks a little awkward though. I think a cooler solution would be to have bluetooth controller support, like PS3 controllers or maybe even use the iPhone for the controller via bluetooth.

    Either way, it's impressive. Not quite Xbox 360/PS3 but definitely better than the Wii.

    ocean food chain for kids. food chain diagram for kids.
  • food chain diagram for kids.

  • balamw
    Sep 7, 12:01 AM
    It seems to me that the distribution of 480i content is pretty much settled. Netflix and Blockbuster do this well and at very competitive prices. I can't see that Apple would benefit much from trying to compete there.
    I agree with you, except for the fact that Netflix already carries both BluRay and
    HD-DVD formats, so Apple would be directly competing with them in HD videos.

    My 2 720p HDTVs are salivating at the possibilities...


    ocean food chain for kids. Ocean+food+web+diagram
  • Ocean+food+web+diagram

  • Earendil
    Nov 28, 12:56 PM
    Assuming for a second that this is true, I do not see Apple in this space. 17" LCD monitors have been around for years and they are inexpensive now. Why would Apple enter this market when it is unlikely to get the ussual return on investment?

    Best point yet.

    I think if we all dig deep down the only reason we want Apple to enter this market is so that we can have what can already be had, but with an Apple logo on it. Even I'll admit it.

    17" cheap consumer monitors don't need innovation. They don't need a refresh, they don't need love from Apple's design team. Give it a few year s(if not a lot less) and the 17" monitors will be the equivalent of the 15" or 13" monitors. And who wants APple to design a cool 15" LCD :\

    I think (and I could be wrong) that when people today buy a 17" monitor they are going for the cheapest display they can get so they can use their computer. If they have a little extra cash, they look at larger monitors. Aside from Apple never being able to compete for the cheapest of the cheap, it's also not what they do, or ever had done afaik.

    I'd rather seem Apple make a consumer level 20" and sell it for $300 :D
    And knock a little off the pro models if at all possible...


    ocean food chain for kids. How many acres of ocean does
  • How many acres of ocean does

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 08:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    This would be hilarious if there's no official announcement. Nah, they won't leave us hanging.

    ocean food chain for kids. Ocean food chain diagram for
  • Ocean food chain diagram for

  • mattyuk
    Jan 31, 10:54 AM
    VW Polo 1.4, had it 3 year.

    ocean food chain for kids. Fishing down the food web
  • Fishing down the food web

  • Small White Car
    Mar 22, 03:58 PM
    The eMac hung around for a long time.

    I'd certainly believe that Apple will keep selling these things online for several years, long after they take them out of the retail stores.

    Sales to dance club DJs alone probably makes it worth it to keep making them.

    This does make sense. It's also a nice opportunity to add Thunderbolt to a device.


    The big problem with hard drives is that they're slow. How would a faster connection help an iPod Classic in any way?

    ocean food chain for kids. Ocean food chain for kids
  • Ocean food chain for kids

  • paul4339
    Apr 27, 12:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    WordPerfect Office X5?

    ocean food chain for kids. Ocean+food+web+diagram
  • Ocean+food+web+diagram

  • aprilfools
    Mar 22, 10:27 PM
    until flash becomes more affordable, I hope the classic stays around a while.
    I'm a DJ. I use my classic loaded with my 30,000 song library all the time. most of you think you represent the majority of people that don't need an iPod with that much capacity. Who has/needs a iTunes library that large you ask? people like me SO...You can kiss me where the sun don't shine.

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food web diagram for
  • ocean food web diagram for

  • cecildk9999
    Nov 28, 10:03 AM
    I know that it's not quite fair to compare the two right out of the launch (a baby product versus a mature one), but MS didn't help themselves by setting up this product to compete directly with the iPod. If they had tried to target a different market (maybe primarily video as opposed to music), they might have more success, and let the hype build from there. But the way they seem to be playing it now, they're going to just throw a lot of money into something that will be in Apple's shadow. It'll offer a compelling alternative to some, but will not necessarily convince too many to become switchers. :p

    ocean food chain for kids. Food Web Worksheets For Kids
  • Food Web Worksheets For Kids

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:17 AM
    As far as i can see Sirius is really an american service? Lets not forget Apple needs to make product releases applicable for the world outside america....one does exist :p

    I agree with you completly, you dont sirius in the UK...

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food chain for kids
  • ocean food chain for kids

  • britishempire
    Aug 7, 05:10 AM
    Blah. I hate that "Vista 2.0" banner. It's like, saying that Leopard is comparable with Windows.

    Also, you can bet that whatever MS release as "Vista 2.0" will be pretty shoddy compared to Leopard.

    Mind you, Vista is looking like Tiger 0.6 or something, so maybe they're poking fun at MS for ripping off so much of their stuff.

    "Leopard - The final nail in Vista's coffin"

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food chain for kids
  • ocean food chain for kids

  • SactoGuy18
    Jan 5, 08:47 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.

    That may not be so far-fetched. Imagine a "true" video iPod with the Beatles brand that allows you to download A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine and Let It Be onto the player for free. :)

    ocean food chain for kids. food chain ocean.
  • food chain ocean.

  • Small White Car
    Aug 29, 09:14 AM
    Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount.

    And you think they're going to still cost the same next month? When something faster comes out the slower thing has to get cheaper or Intel will suddenly find that no one is buying them.

    Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready".

    In an ambigious "64 sounds better than 32" kind of meaningless way. Can you think of any 64-bit-advantages that Mac mini owners could actually take advantage of?

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food chain worksheet.
  • ocean food chain worksheet.

  • flyfish29
    Mar 26, 04:13 PM
    its my understanding that apple made this browser BEFORE MSIE was pulled from the mac. M$ pulled IE because they believed Safari was better and faster and could better serve the mac. it was also part of a marketing plan by M$ to remove IE as a stand alone browser from Win and Mac. Think before you post and do your homework. The rest of use don't want to read something that's not true or thot out.

    Yes, Apple made this browser before M$ IE was pulled, but it was obvious that M$ would be pulling it long before they announced it. With the integratioin of IE into windows it was only a matter of time and if Apple had waited until the announcement they would have been so far behind that the mainstream would have suffered. Safari is just now getting up to speed on its accessability to most web pages- and I even still have major accessability problems with some financial pages and registering at some other types of pages. Most people don't know about the alternative browsers out there such as Mozilla, etc. so it would have proved devestating to Apple had they not been on the ball with Safari. They just know netscape, IE and now safari. I think iMac-Japan's comment on this particular issue is partly true as is your Calebj14.

    ocean food chain for kids. the ocean#39;s food chain out
  • the ocean#39;s food chain out

  • Earendil
    Nov 28, 11:02 AM
    OK, this is out of hand... all of you who are complaining about Dell being half the price of the Apple LCDs read the topic that's been linked like 5 times, it's pretty interesting and informative.

    Now, all of you who are complaining about those people complain shut up and listen (or read) for a minute. They aren't complaining that Apple is charging to much for what they are offering, it's that they aren't offering any alternative for non-pro users. There are people who want, and would pay a bit more than Dell prices, for a similar piece of hardware with Apple's quality and design, but they aren't willing to pay 50%+ more for a professional grade piece of hardware.

    A small few are saying that. I believe the rest finally got the point or actually went to the linked article. As the most vocal poster in the last 24 hours though, I'd like to point out I've concede the point above numerous times, and fully agree with t. I myself am a victim of Apple not offering a consumer level machine :(

    A 17" consumer line of displays would solve the problem without negatively effecting the pro line of hardware. If it sold well (and I'm betting it would, especially if it was the same panel as the 17" iMac with a USB2 hub, iSight, and built in speakers in an iPod styled casing for ~$249) a 19" with the same features but a higher res (although all the 19" widescreens I've seen have had the same res as 17" WS ... someone must make a 19" panel with res between 1440x900 and 1680x1050) for ~$349 or so it'd really fill out Apple product line to meet the needs of all consumers, "prosumers", and real pros.

    Man, if they did that I might pick up a MacMini next summer as well!
    Here's to dreaming :)

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food chain diagram
  • ocean food chain diagram

  • fr4c
    Nov 23, 01:29 PM
    Oh you are making me hungry...


    Tires for the winter

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  • biome chain marine food

  • Krovem
    Feb 6, 12:02 AM
    2002 Audi A4. 18th birthday present

    That looks pretty sick. I was looking at Audi a4 or a6 (02-05), and infinity g35 sedan.

    ocean food chain for kids. ocean food web for kids
  • ocean food web for kids

  • tbobmccoy
    Mar 23, 11:04 AM
    I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the blind. The Classic is the only iPod (other than the tiny Shuffle) that would be of any use to them. The 128,000 bps that's suicide-inducing for music is (sort of) OK for voice, and 220 GB would hold a LOT of Books on "Tape"�Hell, record your lectures too and you could carry a college education in your pocket! I expect quite a negative reaction from handicapped activists if they discontinue the iPod Classic.

    Very true. For some, physical keys are essential, and until they create a way to modify the screen to incorporate tactile buttons on demand, there need to be physical key devices out there for those that cannot see. I do think that they will discontinue the use of hard drives sometime soon, though. Flash memory is just the way of the future.

    Nov 26, 11:30 PM
    The only thing that irritates the **** out of me, Is the members here on MacRumors, I've been through this type of crap before, Apparently everyone was bullied as a child or something because when ANYONE says something that isn't correct or seems "odd" people here jump on them and make sure to rub whatever it is in their face.

    People on the internet use blatant trolling and flaming so easily, but I can tell you that they would never do it in actual person given the chance. It's easy to act badass on the internet. They're pathetic and still talking about it pages later.

    Hold your head high and be proud of your case; most of these morons treat their gadgets/etc like they're toys with no regard.

    Don't loose faith in the internet, some of us are decent people.

    Sep 1, 11:58 AM
    My guess: 17" dropping to $1,099, 20" to $1,499

    $1,999 with more hd, a gig of ram and, hopefully, (i do doubt it though as well) a nice gpu (at least as bto, unlikely though for the imac).

    I'd order one right away! :cool:

    $1,999 is pushing it a bit IMO. :)

    I highly doubt they would killl it off. I think they'd drop the price on it which would make it even more desirable for standard consumers with a budget. Sort of a, why get the mini when I could just pay a bit more for the iMac 17" kind of thing.

    Good point, although the suffocating the Mini would be a problem. If the updated Mini is decent enough it should be able to survive though.

    Jan 12, 01:48 PM
    I'm pretty sure Lord Steve is sitting back with a cup of coffee reading all this and laughing.

    Sep 12, 03:12 PM
    I just picked up the Belkin Grip Vue at BestBuy in Wilmington, DE. Very pleased.

    Mar 19, 05:09 PM
    They could at least make the app more interesting.
    How about a social feature that allows you to see other 'ex-homosexuals' in your area? :D

    Have you not been informed of DisgraceBook??