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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Feb 24, 12:07 AM
    on a random note just so you know switching to diesel you need to improve your MPG by around 30% for the switch to be carbon neutral. Remember Diesel as a lot more carbon in it per unit volume than unleaded.
    Because it's more crude. The carbon is sapped out through a refining process, meaning all that crap sucked out of the earth still ends up somewhere it's not supposed to be -- meaning diesel is just as carbon neutral as gasoline.

    lions wallpapers. Angry Lion iPhone Wallpaper
  • Angry Lion iPhone Wallpaper

  • dlittle
    Jul 19, 08:12 PM
    The article posted:
    - Desktops: 614,000, down 14% from previous quarter
    - Portables: 498,000, up 60% from previous quarter

    I belive these numbers are for last quarter (note they don't add to 1.3M macs). They should post a correction.

    lions wallpapers. wallpaper lion.
  • wallpaper lion.

  • pika2000
    Oct 9, 04:36 PM
    This issue seems to be mostly discussed in US centric blogs/sites/forums and US users. The iPhone 4 is shipped worldwide. So why aren't we seeing the same amount of outrage from users overseas?

    lions wallpapers. lions wallpapers.
  • lions wallpapers.

  • Gump
    Dec 29, 03:17 AM
    Why doesn't Apple just team up with Nintendo and release an iTV/iTunes channel for the Wii?

    The Wii already has internal WiFi built in capable of streaming. To top it off, a SD memory card slot as an additional source for playing movies....seriously, releasing an iTV when people already have a cable box, Tivo, DVD player, & video game machine.........pointless.

    lions wallpapers. lion wallpaper. happiness lion
  • lion wallpaper. happiness lion

  • mduser63
    Nov 30, 07:57 AM
    With a hard disk in it. iTV will not require a computer - will give you internet access on your TV. Dock the iPod, and allow you to buy directly movies, songs & content. I.e. without streaming. Direct download through a Wifi intenet connection. Could even have the ability to stream from the internet - I.e. cable, etc.. coupled with a DVR for recording. Would be amazing if it could do all of the above.

    As stated in some interview with Bob Iger that I read somewhere, the iTV will have an internal hard drive. I also have it from someone at Apple that it will have a hard disk, although they didn't tell me anything else that we don't already know and were very cautious about revealing too much.

    lions wallpapers. Wallpapers Lions
  • Wallpapers Lions

  • Bertmg
    Mar 24, 10:57 AM
    Is time for Apple to get edgy again. imagine the possibilities of merging two not as popular but full featured products!!!

    If Apple were to merge iPod classic with Apple TV we can have a non existent a carry on TiVo/iPod gadget!

    lions wallpapers. Lion Wallpapers, Big Cats,
  • Lion Wallpapers, Big Cats,

  • tychay
    Nov 28, 08:09 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    I think the first statement is correct or close to it. They may have had a single profitable quarter when Halo 2 was released. I'm not sure because they bury games in a Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division. Which includes their smartphone stuff (now that it has stopped bleeding money) and their profitable and acclaimed mice, keyboards, and other stuff (all manufactured by other companies, sort of like Dell, but with a nicer design).

    The second part I believe is now wrong. I think the XBox 360 is no longer a loss lead, though that might change as there is some speculation that they will be dropping the price to undercut Sony soon. I believe the fact that it is no longer a loss lead is causing a confounding with the "360 is profitable" commentaries here.

    Another commenter mentioned how smart it was was the XBox had a hard drive on it. I’d say if it is so smart why did Microsoft remove it in the base model 360? I’ll point out that this happened because the price of hard drives do not get any cheaper! In fact the price of commodity hardware design doesn’t get any cheaper! Huh? Hard drives get bigger, not cheaper. Processors and chips get more powerful, not cheaper.

    What went on is that successive iterations of the Playstation and Playstation 2 would allow Sony to combine chips to reduce the price (and make smaller PSOne and slim-cased Playstation 2). This outlet wasn't available to Microsoft because of their design which is why the XBox was a losing money for it's entire run and Sony played games by dropping their price before it ever turned a profit.

    Those two things are "of a piece". While commodity hardware was an interesting idea, it was a failure. Which is why the XBox 360 is not built from commodity PC hardware. The hard drives are a necessary evil of the "Live" strategy so they're left in as an option and bundled with the Playstation 3. That's why these 6G consoles are expensive and not dropping in price fast.

    Right now all this is moot since the thing to watch is the Sony gamble on a blue laser. Obviously it will get cheaper fast, but the question is how fast and how cheap? The horrible yields on the Cell processor isn't helping things.

    Currently, the XBox 360 has sold very consistently at around 1.5 million units a quarter. The XMas quarter last year had supply issues and only sold .9 million units. That's hardly dominating. In fact, I think the Playstation 2 outsold the 360 in each of those quarters even though the device is six years old. Let's put some numbers here. Last year over 100 million Playstation 2’s had been sold, six months ago, they were selling 380k/month. The XBox 360 sold 6 million units since it's introduction over a year ago, six months ago they were selling 300k/month, they had fixed the channel problems that plagued the release.

    Consider this: Nintendo sold 600,000 Wiis in the last eight days. Given the scarcity of the Playstation 3 and the popularity and addictiveness of WiiSports and Zelda, they should easily crush that .9 million opening quarter of the 360. And consider this: each unit at a profit with a number of titles putting money directly in Nintendo's pocket.

    I'm not claiming that the Wii will beat the 360. I'm just pointing out that according to sales numbers, the 360 is no iPod, is not trending to an iPod, will never be an iPod. The iPod sits on 75% market share. The closest thing to an iPod in the entertainment market is the Playstation 2.

    Which is a big distraction from the point. And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone Microsoft play to see that the Zune is a bad idea. How many years and failed ideas have there been (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, PocketPC, etc. etc.)? How many billions sunk (some years more than the entire capitalization of the PDA market)? How much marketshare? 6% of smartphones, 60% of the dead-end PDA market, and most of the dead ATM teller market (because IBM did a phased pull out, not because Microsoft "won"). And even those markets are being eaten by Linux faster than Windows.

    The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

    lions wallpapers. Lions Desktop Wallpapers
  • Lions Desktop Wallpapers

  • Lukeit
    Mar 31, 02:43 AM
    Regarding the launchpad... I can't remove applications anymore...
    When I click "option" the icons get to "shake" but there is not X sign to click to delete the app... they just wiggle and can't be deleted.
    Any of you the same?

    Also very difficult to move them around...

    In my experience launchpad was working better on preview 1!


    lions wallpapers. Lions in Design and Digital
  • Lions in Design and Digital

  • leosaysfosho
    Sep 27, 01:59 PM
    so i saw griffin cases shown on the weekly ad, does anyone own them? If so, comments about it would be nice before purchasing!

    lions wallpapers. Hosea Gear Lions wallpaper
  • Hosea Gear Lions wallpaper

  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 7, 12:59 PM
    On my lunch break at work, I just downloaded a couple of HD trailers, both 2min30sec in length; 1 at 480p and the other at 720p. My set up is an 3.0Ghz Pentium D, 1G ram, 256K Nvidia Gforce 6800, 20" Dell Digital LCD.

    I could tell no difference in file quality. The problem lies in download time. Both files average dl speed was 150KBps. Thats 1.2Mbps if my math is right. The 420p file took 4:28 to dl, translating to 3:34:24 for a 2hr movie. For 720p, it took 12:39, meaning a full movie would take 9:28:45.

    I know my cable provider offers up to 4Mbps downlaods, for about $120/month. And thats before the cable servise itself. Even then its not dedicated. Most people with cable will opt for their providers basic service ,like $40 - 50/month for 500-600kbps, or 1/2 as fast as my test. The movies would take twice as long to dl. 19hrs to downlaod will not fly. 7hrs may not either.

    If the compression works to get a DVD quality movie down to 1G, then it could be downloaded in about 1h50mim, nearly realtime at work, or 3h40min at home. At work, I would only need maybe a 15min buffer before I start watching, and not catch up to the dl. But at home, I would need about 1h40min buffer. Maybe this is acceptable to some, but if I can walk to Wal-mart or Blockbuster and back in that time, then what's the consumer advantage beyond the novelty?

    I'm sure apple engineers can do these same napkin calculations. There would have to be some alternative to the straight dl. Maybe a torrent of some kind built into iTunes 7. I don't know. Just thinking.

    This is a good test, but your connection is not fast enough for this to be viable. If your getting only getting 1.2mbps, that not going to cut it.

    Bandwith is a huge issue. In my area, Seattle, I can get Comcast cable for about $50/mo and I get 6-8mbps solid download. So I can stream anything that is encoded at 6-8mbps just fine. The 720p trailers are about 4-8mbps, so it works for me.

    I know not everyone can get that kind of bandwidth/price, but they will soon. I think this is where Apple is going, but it's not going to work for everyone. At least not right away. But maybe enough to be profitable?

    lions wallpapers. lions wallpaper.
  • lions wallpaper.

  • gugy
    Nov 29, 05:48 PM

    some ideas:

    A) I think Apple wants to stay out of trouble with content providers. I think they will allow Elgato to add some DVR functionality to front row via their EyeTV software and hardware.

    B) the USB port might be use for that.

    C) good idea

    D) I doubt. Apple like to keep things simple

    lions wallpapers. lions wallpapers.
  • lions wallpapers.

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 29, 03:24 PM
    I also think that making the mini bigger makes sense. I mean the Cube was a wonderful design and a few times larger than the mini.

    Both of them have external power supplies, which from an esthetic point of view isn't the most pleasing. A larger design could potentially include an interal power supply, although it might make it a good deal nosier, I'm not sure.

    lions wallpapers. Free wallpapers!
  • Free wallpapers!

  • mvkVirtual
    Feb 26, 01:06 PM
    The acrylic ones are the Apple Studio Displays. They've been the Cinema display since they moved to aluminum.

    Wrong. The earlier widescreen acrylic models are also called Cinema Displays :) @Lifeinhd is correct, the display shown in the previous post cannot be a first gen cinema display.

    lions wallpapers. Proud lion wallpaper
  • Proud lion wallpaper

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 05:17 PM
    jxyama, I think you have something there... last nite my wife (who is computer ignorant) asks whether I have a MAC or a PC. Turns out her best friend (newbie PC user for about 1 year) has convinced her that MACs aren't as good. My wife or her friend have never even used one but they 'KNOW' they are inferior to MACs. Now if either of them were to have to make a buying decision it's not hard to imagine what they'll walk out the store with.

    How could any new user have a different opinion unless they happen to know a MAC user. Only 2% use MACs so they're unlikely to be exposed to one, PC users (98%) will bad mouth a MAC, and Apples advertising, while award winning does very little to enlighten people about the product.

    i agree with you.

    the problem with the current computer market is that it's dominated by two kind of uses, neither of which apple excels at: enterprise and gaming.

    for enterprise users, innovation and usability (beyond certain degree) are secondary. what they need is computers to get the job done for as cheap as possible - because computer is purely a commodity tool. as far as corporations are concerned, there is no reason to step away from windows because it has been getting the job done and it is the cheapest options available. now, this is changing slightly recently because of the onslaught of malicious windows virus. some corporations are starting to realize that the cost of hiring windows admin and lost productivity due to these virus are starting to make windows more expensive. because they have absolutely no brand attachment, corporations that deem Macs to be more cost effective overall than windows PCs will have absolutely no problem switching. (however, they will have no problem pursuing other options if something better than Macs come out too.)

    because many people work for corporations, them and their families will be most familiar with windows PCs. Macs are seen as some abnormality, and expensive. ("there's only so much a computer can do and windows does it fine, so why bother paying more for Macs?")

    what they fail to see (IMO) is that Macs can do a lot more, far more easily. but it will take time for those people to be convinced that computers can really do more than what they've seen windows PCs do and it really is worth more $$$.

    gaming - this is tough for apple. in this segment, user base is everything. because it's so technologically driven, R&D money is much better spent on improving the technology rather than adapting them to work on Macs...

    lions wallpapers. lion wallpaper.
  • lion wallpaper.

  • joepunk
    Apr 7, 06:50 PM
    But popular culture keeps it at the forefront.

    I couldn't agree more. I think what few people realize is that in almost all aspects, WWII was not so much the Second World War, as a continuation of WWI. I

    For the US it was definitely our first bright and shining moment on the international stage and it has gained mythological status.

    Off Topic from Lybia. In some way I think WWII (or parts of it) has become a bit too mythological. Oh, and I am personally getting tired of hearing "The Greatest Generation" line getting used all the time by prominent figures in the country.

    Back On Topic.

    lions wallpapers. Young Lions (wallpapers)
  • Young Lions (wallpapers)

  • BC2009
    Mar 25, 04:23 PM
    I knew it didnt support mirroring but thats my bad. I have an iPad 2, but i was told at Apple the hdmi cable won't work with iPad 1. Guess they should read up a little bit.

    Their retail and tech support folks are not too familiar with it yet. You have to do some reading to catch that. I tried the Digital AV Adapter with my iPad-1 and it worked for playing movies -- only problem is my HDMI TV does not support HDCP which means it registers as an unauthorized device to playback fairplay movies -- this TV was made when TV's were first starting to get 1 HDMI input -- still I think they should fix that since my Apple TV does not have a problem with that television.

    Either way, since I have the Apple TV and AirPlay, I can't see using the adapter for that function.

    lions wallpapers. Full HD Wallpapers - Animals,
  • Full HD Wallpapers - Animals,

  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    I, for one, miss my old GeForce 8800.

    I have a Radeon HD 5770 now, and there are these little annoyances. For instance, when I run my bootcamp partition inside VMWare, the AMD driver software starts complaining. The GeForce didn't give a damn. Speaking of which, I had to install the .Net framework to install the AMD drivers. Kinda cheap. And every now and then I get a slight flicker in the screen. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's the Radeon, but I've never had it before.

    Don't get me wrong, the card is performing superbly overall. But the driver side still needs some polish. (And that's a complaint I've been hearing for ages!)
    The .Net framework is for the CCC (Catalyst Control Center). I am pretty sure you can still get the drivers and not dl the CCC.
    Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU(NVIDIA 330M) alongside it that it should automatically switch to while under heavy load.

    It isn't load based... It is API based. But you knew that...

    lions wallpapers. Sleeping Lions Wallpaper
  • Sleeping Lions Wallpaper

  • celticpride678
    Apr 2, 01:59 PM
    Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but the kernel under Lion boots 64-bit by default. In Snow Leopard, you had to press 6+4 upon boot to use a 64-bit kernel.

    Was like that in DP1 too.

    lions wallpapers. -800X600 here
  • -800X600 here

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 12:56 PM
    It seems that if this rumor is correct, then why now? Why not 2 months ago? Have mini sales been all that great to warrant holding off on a simple update? Or could they possibly have been waiting for other products to move to merom so the mini doesn't infringe? I just don't understand why this has taken so long.I would assume they're going to update everything at once to make a grander impression with all of the new upgrades. Sure, they could probably easily update the mini now and make it available for purchase, but why not wait until the C2D hits the other machines at the same time? That way Apple can say their entire computer product line has been updated. I think it makes more of an impression to casual computer and mac users.IF TRUE - Just In Time Invintory Management Makes When Yonah Price Falls The Time To Do It. That would be once Merom is shipping - like NOW.

    I'm still not convinced this rumor is true. I've got my fingers crossed these two processors are going to be C2D at 1.66 and 1.83GHz - not Yonah.

    Only fair & logical reason it might be true would be due to constrained supply of Merom to begin with so Apple has to use all those for MacBook Pro first, then iMac - excluding a Conroe plan -, MacBook and finally mini when supply of Merom is unconstrained like around November-December. By first doing the speed bumps to the Merom speeds with Yonah, they can deliver an immediate benefit to their mini customers without spreading the limited supply of Meroms all over the lines yet.

    So after they have enough Meroms for MBP they can switch the MB to Meroms at the same speeds as now, then switch the mini ALMOST silently once that line is satisfied fully. iMac is a big unknown due to Conroe possability.

    More I think about it, that is probably what's happening. Intel probably has the order with Apple designed to reduce the Yonah supply as quickly as they can provde enough Meroms to keep satisfying Apple's every growing appetite for more and more C2 Intel processors at the ever growing assembly lines in Taiwan & China.

    Mar 22, 11:49 AM
    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    "I have no issue with gays... but..." it's like when people start with "Some of my best friends are black..." you know something bad is coming!

    Nobody is asking the rest of the world to "conform" to their way of life, only not to try and "cure" them. Only on the first page and someone already has to bring religion into it. I wish people would try some independent thought- even if there is a God and even if He doesn't approve of homosexuality doesn't mean you have to agree with Him.

    Like others have said, keep this app away from minors. Let adults download it if they want, hopefully more people will laugh at the idiocy of this app than take it seriously.

    Sep 14, 09:03 AM
    And I hold strong on not renewing my magazine subscription!

    Feb 28, 09:12 AM
    .... that the US car makers still sells trucks, pickups etc. without diesel options is simply a complete lack of any common sense.

    Profit and common sense cannot co-exist, apparently. :rolleyes:

    Sep 1, 02:22 PM
    This basically confirms that Apple will release the "Mac".

    A mini/mid tower with a Conroe, upgradeable video card maybe 1 or 2 open PCI slots, 2 HDD slots, 1 DVD slot and 4 ram slots.

    This would position it directly between the iMac and the Mac Pro.

    Even with a 3 GHz Conroe it would still be slower at well threaded apps than 2 - 2 GHz Woodcrests (Xeons). Apple has intentionally left this gap in its line.

    So you will now have:

    MacBook - "basic" laptop
    MacBook Pro - Fully loaded laptop

    Mac Mini - low end machine good for offices as a small server or low end word processing workstation.
    iMac - All in one consumer machine - no upgradeability
    "Mac" - Prosumer gamer machine - some upgradeablity
    Mac Pro - Full fledged workstation for those who need all the power they can get.

    iPod nano - the iPod perfect for music.
    iPod - Great as a music player, can also watch movies.
    iPod video - Large screen iPod intended for watching videos etc... may develop some PDA/gaming functionality if rumors are true.

    It all seems pretty obvious.

    Mar 19, 06:18 AM
    Its always a tough call, if you don't go in you risk something like:


    Where over half a million people are killed.


    You know I am almost always critical of US military action, but in this case...

    It might need to be taken.

    We do have an obligation to stop atrocities if we are aware of them.

    That said, this needs to be an international action, not like the "coalition of the willing" that went into Iraq. In fact, id prefer it if the US was NOT the main force by any stretch. We should give plenty of support, but we should be careful to not give the impression that we are taking the primary role in another conflict.