As the situation across the Taiwan Straits has entered a "highly dangerous period", Chinese President Hu Jingtao has sent tougher warnings to the Taiwan authorities when meeting up United States' President George W. Bush
at the sidelines of APEC Held in Australia's Sydney.
"This year and next year are going to be a highly dangerous period for the situation in the Taiwan Straits,"
"We must issue harsher warnings to the Taiwan authorities that any secessionist attempt aimed at 'Taiwan independence' in any form will be doomed."
Actually the warning is nothing new, these rhetorics have been know since we were still attending in the middle school.
Of course, you know, when responding to Hu's warnings, Bush has to state again:
Washington firmly adheres to the one-China policy, observes the three US-China joint communiques and opposes any unilateral act to change the status quo across the Taiwan Straits.
Finally, as the 26th Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing next year, for sure Bush has been invited to visit Beijing at Hu's invitation lo.
Source: It's time to 'get tough on Taiwan' @ Chinadaily