Good news for your Bachelors, go to take part in 'Date Jackie's Ex-Wife' on Horward Stern's Show and win the chance to grab Jackie Martling's ex-wife, Nancy Martling
, but now as Nancy Sirianni. In case you don't know well on Nancy Sirianni
, below are the a short but informative biography on her from Product-Reviews.
Nancy Sirianni is an established singer and songwriter, producer of music, stage and comedy as well as an accomplished actor. Nancy was married to legendary comedian Jackie Martling
but the couple have now separated.
Nancy owns and operates a production company and recording studio, as well as a nationally distributed independent record label. She has an extensive experience in production design, promotion and graphic art design.
Nancy has had parts in Estrogenius, Homogenius, Two Spontaneous Combustions and has produced a show for the Flopnight series. She has featured in 8 independent films and NBC Television’s LAW & Order Criminal Intent.
Nancy’s songs have been licensed by The Style Network’s FashionTrance and MTV’s reality show MADE. Along with her band, the scoldees, Nancy performs at major music festivals and their two albums received great amounts of airplay around the US.
Sources: 'Date Jackie's Ex-Wife Contest': Nancy Martling, Nancy Sirianni @ Post Chronicle
Nancy Sirianni Formerly Nancy Martling: Biography of A Singer/Songwriter @ Product-Rivews