Astronomers predict that an extremely rare Aurigid meteor shower
will occur September 1st. Peter Jenniskens (photo), an expert on meteor showers who also works at NASA Ames Research Center, said that the shower will be visible by the naked eye from the western United States, especially in California, Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, and the western provinces of Canada. Prime viewing time will be on Saturday, September 1, 2007, from 4:06 a.m. – 5:06 a.m. PDT.
The picture above shows an artist's illustration that depicts the vast Oort Cloud of comets, whose castoffs are expected to create a rare kind of meteor show tonight.
If you will have taken the photos of Aurigid meteor shower, don't hesitate to let us know and we'd like to post a link to them.
Source: NASA & Nationalgeographic