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Aerobatics Planes Crashed on Radom Air Show in Poland

these horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in Radom The planes approach each other
These horrific pictures show the moment that two planes from the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in Radom, about 100km (62miles) from Warsaw, September 1, 2007. The two pilots both died in the collision of the airshow.
these horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in RadomThe planes collide
these horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in RadomThe aircraft blast into each other
These horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in RadomDebris erupts from the crash
These horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in RadomThe wreckage of the horrifying smash
these horrific pictures of the Zelazny aerobatics team crashed into each other at the Radom Air Show in RadomThe planes are now just bits
Pictures in Dailymail , the corresponding video you can see on CNN