Department of Tourism is on the hot seat once more and they just could not handle it. Days after introducing their new internet ad/campaign for Philippine tourism, DOT has recalled and pulled the plug on the ad. Thanks God! That was like something not really thought of.
The ad has the new slogan "Pilipinas Kay Ganda" which is for me simply wrong. It's like a mutated version of a mornign show and a noon-time variety program. (Pilipinas Win na Win and Umagang Kay Ganda). I don't know what they were thinking but thankfully they pulled that out one. Thanks to a lot of people that vocally disliked the ad. I think it lacked identity. It is a suicide attempt to salvage the ailing tourism in the Philippines. There's nothing wrong with the current Wow Philippines slogan but what is wrong is how we campaign. We don't let people see the real beauty of the Philippines. Well since you're not gonna see the "Pilipinas Kay Ganda" slogan anymore, just for perspective here it is and you be the judge.
Photo credits: Yahoo News Philippines