Tarima is one indie film that has created some buzz the past few weeks. With a stellar cast that includes Fanny Serrano, Gloria Romero and Chokoleit to name a few and featuring Rocky Salumbides as one of main characters this film truly has the makings of a good one. It is a story of unrequited love between a young guy and an aging battered homosexual developed in the most bizaare of ways but fully blossomed as wonderful as a rose. This movie reminds us that true love can be felt between people despite their age or gender difference. And I just loved the theme song. Brings me goosebumps.
Tarima is a wonderful piece all in all. Kudos to director Neal Tan for this. Besides the heartbreaking story, what captured my attention is the level of acting of the stars in the film. Gloria Romero was her usual best and really portrayed cruelty at pinpoint accuracy. Chokoleit's comedic timing was wonderful and has provided lighter side for this tearjerker. Rocky Salumbides' acting was commendable as he fits the role given to him. But topping them all is Fanny Serrano's portrayal. He was just amazing. He brought me to tears and you can really feel the emotions he want top convey. If he's happy you would be smiling but in the scenes he's getting battered, you'll truly fel the pain. Sad ending but the same thing separates this film from the others. 3.5 out of 5 popcorns