Here's a first partial list of the topics you'll see on my blogs.
1. Across The Many Island of the Earth
- all about travel, includes local destinations, international destinations and focus on countries, people and their diverse culture & way of living
2. Bass Drop
- your official guide to what is hot and burning in the music scene with latest issues on new albums, concerts and fresh singles
3. Business, as Usual
- an in-depth look on the business sectors and the whole industry, related topics about work and finances
4. Confessions of a Fashionista
- shows what's in and what's hot in the world of fashion, includes guides to latest trends in clothings, accessories and news on sales and other events
5. Five Popcorns
- your ultimate guide to the movies with reviews on latest films, in-depth takes on classics and old films up to news about your favorite celebreties
6. Game, Set, Match
- contains articles about local and international sporting scene plus results of games and features on some of your favorite athletes
7. Chomp, Gulp & Burp
- prepare for some mouth-watering features about food and restos, includes quick recipes and other food-related news and features
8. I Love You, Because
- snippets and writings about the greatest emotion ever created - LOVE
9. As Pink As It Goes
- dose of pink, features and articles about the colorful and wonderful world of gays plus events and other info
10. Lingua Internacional
- your guide on basic words and phrases from some of the most commonly used languages and dialects across the planet