Here's the 3rd installment of the topic list for my blog.
21. The Air That I Breathe
- thoughts on life and how wonderful and colorful it is
22. The Couch Patatas
- your guide on the boob tube plus features on your fave TV stars
23. The Pallet
- features the beauty of arts and some of the best pieces of arts, include the recent events about arts
24. Thumb Burners
- your guide to the best games on both game consoles and online zone (excluding social games on FB)
25. Versus
- your toe to toe comparison on some of the competing brands in almost all fronts, from people to cars to TV and to food
26. You and Me, We Play
- about social games (FB, FS Games)
27. Covers
- your guide about books and top sellers of today and the past
28. Curtain Call
- topics would be about the colorful world of theatre with features on stars and top rated plays
29. Red Light District
- your guide to most happening events here and everywhere
30. LOL
- quotes that give comic relief and would surely make you laugh
31. Quote, Unquote
- a list of some of the best quotes from people, movies, TV and anywhere you could possibly hear a quote
32. Look At Me
- features on people, groups, organizations
A countdown every week is also there to showcase the top songs of the week plus surveys and other.