In March, Beck and a friend, Chuck "The Old Car Nut" Merrill, 72, of Twin Falls in Idaho, put an ad in the Times-News seeking vintage car projects. A man from Oakley responded, offering Beck a 1946 Hudson. In late April, Beck and Merrill drove out with a trailer to pick it up.Link
Back in Twin Falls, they stopped for chicken-fried steak at the Buffalo Cafe.
"As we were walking up to the back of the car, I saw something about to fall out. I said, 'That looks like a wallet,'" Merrill said.
"Like a couple of kids, we thought we had a gold mine," Beck said, joking that he hoped for $100 bills.
The leather wallet held a $10 bill, a $1 silver certificate, military identification, a Social Securitycard and a hand-written Washington state driver's license, all in the name "Glenn Putnam." And another dated clue: several jewelry receipts from 1952.
With the help of an Internet search Beck found Putnam, who now goes by Glenn Goodlove, and called his San Diego home.