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  • Jswoosh
    May 1, 03:53 AM
    Well here it is Sunday, still no official word from Apple or any other credible source confirming tuesdays launch. I just hope that this is NOT going to be a huge let down.
    And hopefully when we do see this launch tuesday most people say Wow.

    I hear ya. I really hope it comes out tuesday

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  • Platform
    Sep 6, 04:55 AM
    This is great:

    Movie Store,
    AirPort w/Video and
    Something new :D

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  • tpg
    Apr 25, 01:27 PM
    What about the screen? Are they finally moving to 16:9 screens?

    I hope not - retaining the 16:10 aspect ratio is one thing I really admire about Apple's notebooks. (11inch Air aside)

    16:9 displays are cheaper to manufacture, but from a usability/aesthetic point of view 16:10 is superior IMO. Vertical space is at a premium, particularly on a laptop screen. Also, 16:10 is pretty darn close to the golden ratio...

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  • Christopher387A
    Apr 25, 02:11 PM
    I can't wait! :D

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  • ctdonath
    Mar 22, 02:34 PM
    How are you MBP owners liking your Thunderbolt port? Do you feel like someone with a DVD disk in 1975?

    Having a host with that port makes it easier to get a device to match than the other way around. At most months until match-up instead of years.

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  • milo
    Sep 5, 05:48 PM
    In order to receive the movie from the movie store it would stream to the "box".Having a HD would allow you to save the movie.


    Later in your room you could stream it from the "Box" to your computer :-)

    That makes no sense. Why wouldn't it just download straight to the computer in the first place? That's where it's stored, that's where it's streamed from. You just added an extra step and made it that much more complicated.

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  • Dorkington
    Apr 18, 11:58 AM
    So the US doesnt even have paid holiday from work?

    Depends where you work. My job, I get 10 holiday days, and 20 vacation/sick leave days. But at former jobs, I got no paid time off.

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  • justflie
    Oct 27, 11:23 AM
    I may have missed this being said already, but just in case...

    Handing out flyers outside their booth area was just ONE problem, according to a Macworld article (http://www.macworld.co.uk/mac/news/index.cfm?newsid=16291&pagtype=allchandate). Here's an excerpt:

    "There then followed a number of complaints about the behaviour of Greenpeace activists from four visitors and five exhibitors, one of which was Apple. Allegedly, Greenpeace attendees were invading other stands for mock photo shoots and replacing other exhibitors� promotional material with their own."

    So too bad Greenpeace, you pushed too far

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  • powers74
    Mar 30, 12:39 PM
    App market?

    Program Store?

    Program Market?

    App Hub?

    App Universe?

    App Base?

    Tool Shed?



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  • Hattig
    Mar 29, 12:37 PM
    Wow, I didnt even realize they took CUT away

    They didn't, you're being trolled when someone says you can't cut text.

    Files, in Finder, that's another thing, and quite annoying. This is the only place that the comments about Mac OS X lacking cut functionality have any relevance.

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  • iDisk
    Mar 23, 04:25 PM
    I actually agree. Pull 'em. It may be censorship, but it's dangerous not to.

    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    Pull them Apple. I'm honestly surprised they were allowed in the first place...

    Personally I find it hard to believe that so drunk as to warrant avoiding a checkpoint will be collected enough to use the app effectively in the first place.

    Do a poll macrumors.... Us 6 want them pulled Now!!... the others not quoted want them to stay on the App Store for no real good or beneficial reason

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  • Tampa Tom
    Apr 30, 01:48 PM
    Besides abolishing the ability of your graphics card, there are other interesting features of the processor. The hardware giant has confirmed that Sandy Bridge was designed with an integrated content protection to prevent piracy of high-end digital quality.

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  • Hayzie
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    What if the new form took after the iphone4 and ipad2 with an aluminium body sandwiched between black/ white plastic/glass ala two 2 ipads on top of each other (touch screens together)

    that sounded better in my head...

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  • iGary
    Sep 13, 06:36 AM
    I ordered a black 80GB Ipod last night, after approval from the wife.

    I had a bad feeling about it, and promtly cancelled this morning.

    My current Ipod is a 60GB Photo, and I have been looking to upgrade to video for some time, but I can't shake the feeling that this update was very minor, with a price reduction thrown into the equation.

    I reckon, macworld in January there will be the iTV (or whatever it's called), and a new 6G widescreen iPod, with a few more movie companies thrown in.

    So I think I'll ride it out until then.

    I was ready to buy the next great iPod thing yesterday. My credit card went promptly back into my wallet and will remin there until we have a "real" iPod update.

    Kind of disappointed this is what Apple sees fit to go into the holiday season with. Guess the rumours about the new iPod large screen being way behind were true.

    I can't help but think they wanted to launch iTV with the movies as well - otherwise we would have never seen it.


    I will be buying a shuffle when someone builds a sports case for it, though.

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  • altquark
    Apr 25, 01:19 PM
    This just threw a spanner into my plans !

    I've got a late 2007 non-unibody MBP - the "ultimate" which I've been updating as much as possible (Hybrid SSD 512Gb drive, 4Gb memory, etc etc) - I love my MBP but my applecare warranty just ran out last month. Which, I thought, was plenty timely so I could get the new MBP that just refreshed - quad core, 16Gb RAM seems like a LOT more power !

    But, I didn't "jump" immediately - I always wait a couple of months to see what issues develop with the product line (the 17" range seems to have some graphics issues evidently, which seem to be resolved now) - BUT, with this rumor, do I plump down $4k for a maxed-out MBP now or wait until this new case design ?!?!?!

    My current MBP is working great. The keyboard has a sticky "D" key, but apart from that, its been the best laptop I've ever owned, and the second longest I've owned before a refresh (the prior record holder was a Sony Vaio PCG-V505BX which I used/upgraded/refreshed a full 5 years before needing to upgrade !)

    So what do I do ? I wasn't planning on buying the MBP until next month, after I got back from vacation...

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  • hoonu
    May 3, 07:07 PM
    The amount people who want to use the iMac as a display is a small group?

    We're talking consoles, PCs, Macs, phones, tablets, media players, blue-ray players.

    I think we'd see a large amount of people like this features, plus it would make the iMac a much more attractive purchase, as it would still be a fine display even after the hardware in it is too old. I know it would most likely make me go for the iMac over the Mac mini(although most likely I'm waiting for the mini before any purchases)

    My point exactly. My iMac is already behind my i7 2600k build and cannot shake a stick to it when it comes to everyday computing and hardcore rendering. However... I guess I'm going to be in the market for a new monitor once this thing dies. Sadly the new iMac wont be on my list.

    What's frustrating is that if and when this iMac dies (my 24" died when they tried to repair a ghosting issue), they will give me the latest and greatest which is nothing more than a slightly faster CPU and GPU with the biggest feature missing.

    I could give 2 ***** about TB connectivity since hardly any hardware exists for it ATM.

    Like I said... when the day comes and my iMac takes a ****, my replacement is going to eBay and will be my last Mac until they can target more than just the "pretty computer demographic".

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 10:19 AM
    Unless Leopard is designed to make full use of the extra threads/cores available on the quad-core Mac Pro.
    The real problem isn't the OS as much as it is in applications.

    A well-threaded O/S won't help make Photoshop or Avid run much faster, unless the application code is also able to use all of the cores that are present.

    Some applications are inherently serial - you have to do step A, then step B (because step B depends on step A). It's not a matter of poor programming, it's that the task is serial. (Note that many Photoshop benchmarks quote "MP-aware" filters separately from actions that don't scale.)

    For these "not well-threaded" applications, multiple cores will still be beneficial so that you can run multiple applications simultaneously - all at full speed.

    There are some server-type applications (web or database) that run many (hundreds or thousands) threads simultaneously. (For a web server - each browser session is a natural thread.) For these applications, operating system efficiency is important. The reports that OSX is poor at threading (such as Mac OS X limits server performance (http://www.macnn.com/articles/05/06/15/os.x.server.review/)) aren't really that important for desktop apps that want to use all 4 cores (or soon 8).

    The server performance of the Apple platform is, however, catastrophic.
    Workstation apps will hardly mind, but the performance of server applications depends greatly on the threading, signalling and locking engine.

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  • BornAgainMac
    Sep 9, 06:36 AM
    It wouldn't have been worth it to wait for these unless you wanted the 24 inch display (and Firewire 800) with your iMac. The iMac really looks like a good switcher machine that gives Pro performance to the masses.

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 19, 07:31 PM
    Good Luck. :apple:

    Sep 1, 06:50 AM
    Wasn't a silent upgrade. Apple bollocksed up the order.

    You know this for certain????

    Last year Apple did the exact same thing sneaking out faster G4's with more vram in the Mac mini line.

    Everyone and their pet rumor site is expecting upgrades. We weren't expecting across the board superdrives. I now am.

    Personally i'd trade that superdrive for GMA965 with x3000 graphics, but thats about as likely before MWSF07 as a bullet proof string vest.


    Apr 4, 09:20 AM
    Having been bitten numerous times by McAfee, I never believe their press releases.

    Way back, I subscribed to their virus and firewall software. I tested the firewall, and it worked. Until they updated it to a slicker looking interface. Some sixth sense made me test it again, and bingo, my computer was exposed. McAfee customer "support" was not interested. They had my annual subscription, and that was all they wanted.

    After ripping all McAfee code out of my PC, I was dismayed to find that my employer signed up for McAfee products.

    Months and months of slow PC, followed by bricking thousands of employee PCs with their encryption-at-rest software.
    co-sign, same thing happened to me

    Sep 14, 09:19 AM
    There is no way in hell that they will introduce laptops at this event.


    May 1, 12:00 AM
    I wonder if the base SNB iMac will be faster than the base SNB MBP.

    Apr 22, 08:06 AM
    You'll go nutz in couple decades when our CPU's aren't even in our homes anymore. Start to get used to the idea of "cloud" slowly :)

    not going to happen

    the entire history of computing is giving more power to more people. the cloud has always been there, even with the first PC's. but the trend is to give more features to less powerful devices