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the new sidekick android

the new sidekick android. new sidekick 2011 android.
  • new sidekick 2011 android.

  • noservice2001
    Sep 4, 07:34 PM
    go apple!

    the new sidekick android. The new retail box is a nice
  • The new retail box is a nice

  • vincebio
    Sep 26, 07:28 AM
    i REALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY hope its orange...

    as the choice of mobile phones they have at the moment is the poorest i have ever seen in the UK.

    ive been waiting on a p990i since march.....still dont have it on orange, was told yesterday it could be end of october now.

    i am gauranteed a free upgrade on any handset, so come one apple!!

    the new sidekick android. The Android smartphone will
  • The Android smartphone will

  • MacRumors
    Aug 31, 11:28 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    With few details available, the validity of this remains uncertain, but Electronista claims (http://www.electronista.com/articles/06/08/30/apple.sept.12.press.event/) that Apple may be holding a special press event on September 12th, 2006 based on an "official" email sent to Your Mac Life.

    The date corresponds to the start of Apple Expo Paris (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060821202913.shtml) which runs from September 12th to 16th. It has already been announced, however, that there will be no Keynote event for the Apple Expo.

    Meanwhile, Businessweek (http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/aug2006/db20060831_806225.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_businessweek+exclusives) also places an announcement from Apple in the same time frame. According to their sources, Apple plans to start offering Movie downloads through iTunes in mid-September.

    Finally, many users are expecting (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060814180417.shtml) Apple to release Core 2 Duo based laptops in September, but no further hints of this have been revealed.

    Update: Mac4Ever is also reporting that Apple will be hosting a September 12th Event which will take place in San Francisco and be streamed to London.

    Update 2: MacBidouille confirms that there will be a Keynote in San Francisco that will be relayed to London.
    - It was originally reported that Steve jobs will not deliver a Keynote at Apple Expo. He will indeed not be in Paris; but a Keynote will be organized in cupertino and relayed in London at Apple Europe HeadQuarter, where journalists have already been invited. There will are not relay organized at AppleExpo

    [ digg this ] (http://www.digg.com/apple/Apple_Event_September_12th_Movie_Store)

    the new sidekick android. new sidekick 4g android. the
  • new sidekick 4g android. the

  • April Dancer
    Aug 31, 12:30 PM
    Please please please iPods or phone.

    Happy birthday to me!! :)

    *not getting excited, been here before!*

    the new sidekick android. The new Sidekick 4G will be
  • The new Sidekick 4G will be

  • cube
    Apr 22, 03:06 PM
    Hmm... Mobile quad core @ 45W. When are the mobile dual core coming out?

    10W and 17W look very far away.

    the new sidekick android. The T-Mobile Sidekick 4G is a
  • The T-Mobile Sidekick 4G is a

  • skellener
    Mar 22, 07:52 PM
    Still rockin' the 2008 24" Core2 Duo 3.06 Ghz iMac. Best Mac I've ever owned. Next Mac will be whatever the largest screen they make and fastest chip they have whenever this one dies. 100% sold on the iMac.

    the new sidekick android. new sidekick. the new sidekick
  • new sidekick. the new sidekick

  • LandOfTech
    Apr 25, 01:04 PM
    Hilarious to all those people who jumped on the THUNDERBOLT bandwagon. No thunderbolt devices yet and they have the hideous old case design.


    I didn't want to buy it because i had a feeling 2012 will be new design but i had to buy it because i needed a mac and couldn't wait another year!

    and its not like the 2011 MBP's are the same old thing just with thunderbolt! It had a faster processer (with **** GPU in the 13" lol)

    the new sidekick android. T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Full
  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Full

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 04:27 PM
    The average Joe is not the customer for iTV. Average Joe might buy a $40 DVD player from Walmart to hook up to a $200 TV. Remember, the iTV is meant for a HDTV. In fact you cannot even easily hook it up to a non-HDTV. It has only HDMI and component video outputs. These outputs are found only on HDTVs.

    Actually, my old sony 27" CRT was a standard def TV and it had component inputs, and that was 5 years ago. Coupled with my sony progressive scan DVD player with component outputs, and was able to watch proper anamorphic video on my standard def TV. At that time that was the main selling point for me getting that TV. Searching around just now, I found quite a few standard def TV's that have component inputs.

    Of course, I have an HDTV now, but for what it was, that 27" was a great tv with component inputs.

    the new sidekick android. new sidekick 2011 android. DeathChill. Aug 7, 10:18 PM. Running the preview
  • new sidekick 2011 android. DeathChill. Aug 7, 10:18 PM. Running the preview

  • Bickity
    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    If they load it on every free, **** phone out there. Actually sounds very possible. Race to the bottom.

    the new sidekick android. If the whole Region down here
  • If the whole Region down here

  • lazyrighteye
    Aug 31, 05:56 PM
    Just guessing (obviously), but I just can't see where processor upgrades to MacBooks and/or Mini's and/or iMacs and/or MacBook Pros warrant a big ol' SF > London-streamed Stevenote.

    Nah. This feels bigger. Smells more of an iPod/Movie Store announcement to me.

    My crazy/he's hitting the rock again call of the day would be that on the 12th, Steve shocks the world with a redefinition of the whole mobile phone experience. Announcing the new iPod phone.

    Where's my pipe?

    the new sidekick android. The new phone looks like
  • The new phone looks like

  • PinkyMacGodess
    Dec 30, 10:28 AM
    That's all I need... A cart load of false positives and spending 45-minutes scanning my iPhone before I can accept a call...


    the new sidekick android. Sidekick 4G-1. From the
  • Sidekick 4G-1. From the

  • kashimo
    Sep 17, 07:13 PM
    A few months ago it was reported that Apple was in talks with Softbank (formerly Vodafone Japan) to ofer and support the iPhone.

    Currently Softbank has started a promotion with Apple where you buy a phone and get an iPod Nano. It is called Talk. Rock. Could this be hints of things to come in Japan?


    the new sidekick android. The new updates include
  • The new updates include

  • MacRumors
    Apr 30, 01:08 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/30/sandy-bridge-imacs-due-next-week/)


    the new sidekick android. new sidekick 2011 android.
  • new sidekick 2011 android.

  • Flyinace2000
    Sep 26, 07:27 AM
    As long as i can buy one on ebay then i am happy.

    the new sidekick android. that the new Sidekick is
  • that the new Sidekick is

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 19, 02:08 PM
    As stated by others already, this bodes very well for Apple signing other studios onto the plan. I would not be surprised one bit if we see it by the end of the month, even.


    the new sidekick android. The Sidekick 4G, with a 3.5
  • The Sidekick 4G, with a 3.5

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 30, 06:19 PM
    I understand where you are coming from. With your feet planted in set in concrete, unable to fathom future developments based on the experimental or high-end tech of the day, the Blu-Ray seems endlessly of value. Much like the tape reels of the 60s.

    The BluRay is going away for one very specific reason: mechanical. By 2016 the flash memory chips for 50gb will probably be so everyday and cheap that bulky, mechanical BluRay will seem awkward. By 2019 I'd bet you can store several times more than a BluRay on medium-priced thumb-drive.

    Proof? Look back 6 years when a 1gb thumb-drive was a huge chunk of cash. Look back 10 years when a 512MB thumb-drive was almost prohibitive to buy. The future is non-mechanical.

    Absolutely right, as I have demonstrated this over and over again in previous posts. BR (and not BD as Sony wants you to have it) is dead in the water.

    Not only for "mechanical" reasons, but first and foremost for the simple fact that it brings little added value over DVD (contrary to what happened between VHS and DVD back in the day). DVD in both industrialized and developing markets is still KING; just look at the shelves of electronics stores.

    Apple is more than wise to keep its distance from the BR crap.

    the new sidekick android. sidekick 2011 android. new sidekick 2011 android. new
  • sidekick 2011 android. new sidekick 2011 android. new

  • kavika411
    Mar 29, 11:29 AM
    What a waste of space. The time distance between now and 2015 is 4 years. The iPhone didn't even exist four years ago, and is now the king of the mountain. Who knows what new technology Apple or others will come up between during the next four years. Asinine.

    the new sidekick android. The Sidekick brand is still
  • The Sidekick brand is still

  • marksman
    Mar 23, 05:19 PM
    I am going to say that I am in favor of not having Apps whose only purpose is to assist people in breaking laws and also increase the possibility that someone innocent will get injured or killed because of the use of such an Application.

    In other words if there is no legitimate use for an App other than to break the law and put people's lives in dangers, I think it is reasonable to ask Apple to review their policy on such things.

    Anyone who drives drunk these days has major problems. Anyone who uses a phone/tablet app to assist them in driving drunk is a complete arse and I can only hope bad things happen to them.

    the new sidekick android. new sidekick touch. new
  • new sidekick touch. new

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 09:23 AM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.I might be able to slide with a $1799 education discount tower. I want a laptop though. :(

    Sep 9, 11:28 AM

    Do you realize the Dell XPS 700 is capable of running 2 Nvidea GeForce - 1GB 7950 GX2 Quad SLI card for a total of 2 GB of Video

    The fact that the new 24" Imac is only capable of handling a 256MB Video card is an embarassment as far as I am concered.
    Sorry, but that's a ridiculous comparison. The only Mac you can reasonably compare the XPS 700 to is the Mac Pro, which has a lot more computing power for that kind of money.

    Apr 20, 01:22 PM
    Wasn't this the same info they told us about when they were collecting signal information?

    Location and signal strength.

    Apr 26, 01:08 PM
    A family member has the new MBP 13" and I think it has a nice display. I have no idea how it is for gaming, but pics and videos look quite nice, IMHO. I've been of the opinion that Apple uses a better quality display panel than the other manufacturers, not necessarily stronger graphics performance but overall better looking.

    I have always found that the Apple displays are a lot brighter than other brands. Tome, the quality of the display is one of the most important key points of a new model.

    If they were to make any significant improvement in the 11.6" MBA display (higher resolution, brighter screen, higher contrast, move to IPS technology) I think I would consider upgrading immediately.

    Sep 14, 09:59 PM
    2. Apple's announcement a few days ago about the new iTunes store: (to quote Page 1) "TV shows will now be sold at 640x480 px h264. While the updated 5G iPods announced today will be able to play the new format, there has not been any indication from Apple of yet that the new shows will be playable on older 5G iPods. Apple's official knowledge-base article still states that h264-encoded movies must be 320 x 240 at 30 fps."

    That's false information. I already downloaded Sacred Planet (640*480 h.264) from the iTunes Movie Store and loaded it onto my newly updated 5G iPod. The movie works perfectly. Since that would have been the strongest point in your argument for a multiple use device, I would now say your conclusion lacks weight. I'm not saying that they won't release one soon, just use better proofs to support your conclusion next time.

    Aug 28, 12:10 PM
    This Tuesday! This Tuesday!