I would like to say thanks to all the other friends who have been part of my life in 2010. Difficulties are abound in the past year yet I have survived because you did not leave me. Thanks for everything.
To my ex-GL CEEMEA Teammates and Project Team, thanks a lot for always being supportive. All your efforts are well etched in my heart.
To my ex-CPO teammates, it was fun having you for the most time of my career. Though for some of us, we may have parted ways, I still cherish the sweet memories.
To my ex-Deltek officemates, thanks a bunch. It was a short time with you yet a very fruitful one. One of these days, we'll meet again and I'll personally give out my appreciation.
To my Elem, HS and College classmates (those who I have not mentioned), my deepest thanks in keeping contact with me through the years.
To my relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces etc...), I may have not seen most of you frequently in 2010 and hope to see you more in 2011. Thanks to all!
To all my other FB friends (acquaintances, just FB friends), you form a part of my life and thanks to every single one of you.
To the blogging community, my great gratitude to you! It was a fun time writing and I vow to keep this community alive by writing more and promoting blogging to everyone.
And finally. to GOD thanks a lot for the blessings. It was a difficult 2010 but I learned a lot. Thanks for staying with me all the way!