I found this piece in youtube and just could not resist posting it in my blog. Winnie Monsod has always been one of my admired teachers - one of the few women I could say is truthful and honest. This is a video of her saying her last lecture in UP Diliman.
It is a strong piece of reminder to all of the Filipinos specifically the youth even if she solely pertains to students in UP. Her words are universal that one could easily relate. She has encouraged us to be part of the solution rather than be part of the problem. She focused on the integral point on UP's mission/vision: "Honor and Excellence". She's right in reiterating that those words are designed in a way that Honor should always come above excellence. True enough, once people have these, competence and integrity is just automatic.
I hope a lot of people will watch and listen to this video. I also like how she stressed that students should always remember these phrases: "I am only one but I am one." It emphasizes the importance of one soul. An endeavor won't be succesful unless there are people in it. Each one of those individuals are pivotal to the success of whatever is on hand. This is what is needed to have a more successful Philippines. We should start within ourselves and from there we'll see betterment.